Freestyle Sn flip 360 barrel roll?

Can u flip barrel roll and 360 a sn super jet I'f so what would u need under the hood or would a round nose work better ? Is one heavier then the other or is there a company that makes somthing cheaper then a bob?


Lodi Cali
Hit up Jeff at waterdawg kustoms, he's selling hulls cheaper the the ski clinic and the quality is top notch. I've owned two Wdk hulls and two ski clinic hulls, Jeff's stuff is far superior in every way.


2011 World Champion
Oakley, CA
A WDK hull wont do flips and rolls like a short hull such as a BOB will.
But a super jet can be rolled as it is, just takes quite a bit of practice and skill. 360's need a shorter hull to make the rotation easier and faster, and a backflip just flat out needs skill & $$$.


Lodi Cali
His Rok is a -10" bottom, that's pretty short. Wait til everyone see's his new hull..... : ) Not to mention the quality and fit an finish is not even comparable between the two. Plus his Rok is substantially cheaper then a bob, even after shipping compared to the asking price of a bob not counting shipping.
Damn good deals going thru him right now, two things if u do order from him - be cool, and if he says three weeks, try not to bother him or hurry him. His hull is short, got rocker, and wide as hell
THe reson I ask is beacuse I don't have a hole lot of money to throw down on Im lucky I'f I come up with enough for a sj lol
My friend might be able to cut me a deal on building a carbon fiber rn hull would it be worth it or should I just pull a loan for a nice hull?


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at peace
No, you shouldn't pull a loan for a nice hull. It's a toy, don't finance it.
I personally wouldn't spend money on a carbon RN hull because in the end, it's still just a RN hull.


Having a VISION!
X2 on the money.
Dont forget the Vision hulls or KDX.

I say try all the tricks you can on the SN until it is trashed then get a A/M. Once you put alot of coin into the ski you are less likely to want to try new things just in case it sinks to the bottom.
This is my problem right now. I just need to have a riding partner to follow so he can roll it back over if I get separated.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Ride what you got until it's falling apart, until your skills have outgrown the boat (this will take a while), and until you can afford to pay cash for something bigger and better.
I only have a 550 wish I feel like I have out grown an I wana take a loan out so I can also build up my credit I want a ski that I can do all around anything flat water to just messing around on the lake don't know I'f I like the bob a few o my friends have them and they complane that they ride like once or twise around the lake then go back I'n from there small gass tanks the reson I'm trying to do the figuring out is I don't wana throw my money into a ski I'm not keeping I'd rather pay it off for one I'm gonna keep riding for a while
If you want to build credit there are a lot better and safer ways than financing an expensive, depreciating toy.

If you want to flat water flip, you are going to need money to invest in a hull and motor, that's pretty much the name of the game.
I know I can pay it off that's no big deal I have had the same job for 6 years not going anywhere from there I know I'm not gonna flip right away I just wana get a hull that is gonna do what I want it to do I know Ita gonna cost a by but I rather get the stuff That I'm gonna keep on riding I dont wana throw my money I'nto a rn I'f its not gonna be the hull I'm gonna want I'f it takes a while to pay it off oh well I'm young have no kids and no worrys right now I can pay it off no problem it's the part of saving it all up at once lol
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