snapped driveshaft


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
Ideally, the pump shaft and midshaft should be perfectly aligned. Shimming the pump is the most common way to do this, but the entire driveline needs to be aligned to reduce stress on individual parts, like motor mounts, splines, midshaft bearings/housing, and pump shaft/bearings.


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
E-mailed you teh pics waternut. Thought I'd post them up ehre as well incase anyone else wants to throw their 2 cents in on what they think might have caused it. If there's a problem I'd like to fix it before I snap another one, haha.


Matt's looked like a torque failure. Yours looks almost like it was being bent up and down instead of spinning. I'm actually going to guess that the prop isn't balanced very well. The only other thing I can think of that can cause that is alignment. Both appear to have had some kind of material flaw that initiated the problem but your appears to be more equipment related where Matt's appears to be more tooling errors and bad luck.

I know that's not what you want to hear but that's my guess.


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
You should send waternut the driveshaft so he can get a better look at it for diagnostic reasons......

.........and so that I can make a midshaft holder tool out of it to torque a coupler onto my new midshaft.


lake goodwin
You should send waternut the driveshaft so he can get a better look at it for diagnostic reasons......

.........and so that I can make a midshaft holder tool out of it to torque a coupler onto my new midshaft.
Haha I sent him a pm about buying the spline side of it a few days ago...never responded though :(
If you guys want to share it, someone send me the shipping money and I'll send it out to you then you can send it to the next person when you're done. I don't know what goes into making the tool but I'd need it back when you're done. Let me know if you're interested.
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