Snapped Handle Pole - Fix Ideas


High on jetskis.
if you are landing on the pole the limiting rope is not going to hold, its only meant to stop the pole on a throw away not to hold back you falling on it.
really? ive fallen into the pole MANY times and the limiting rope saved my pole/hull every time! but ive broken beaners, pulled eye bolts straight, and collapsed eyelets. lol
East Coast.
The past couple times that i have broken the pole it would NOT have been a duty of the limiter rope. I broke the pole the 2nd, 3rd, 4th time to the side. Basically from nose stabs, rolls, etc.
how about a backer plate inside the pole that you could thread, use screws instead of rivets, and some sort of epoxy, that worked on my stocker until I upgraded. Just a thought
East Coast.
yeah i think these are all good ideas. im thinking making a block insert as a backer insert. That way i can crank down on the bolts and squeze out lots of JB Weld. Also use screws instead of rivots. Have you had any issues with you aftermarket pole?


havin fun
clearwater FL
really? ive fallen into the pole MANY times and the limiting rope saved my pole/hull every time! but ive broken beaners, pulled eye bolts straight, and collapsed eyelets. lol

yeah a buddy of mine did too. then we eliminated all those issues with welds and beefier stuff. just broke and hurt him too. It may have saved you and that is good but its not really the intended use. the stop on your car door is to save the door from overextending not for you to ride the door out on. :tomato:

something has to give. I think its better to become a better rider and not land on the pole.

Jdiz- breaks 2 and on were due to a useless repair. had you done it right it would still be fine after the first break.


Ski Eat Sleep Repeat

Others have said it, but I'll say it again - you need epoxy or JB Weld in the base, and fasteners to hold the pole against the base. Mine has rivets with the original metal backing plate inside to spread the load. Also, make sure you rough up the pole AND the base bonding surfaces so the bonding agent has something to grab onto.

You even have enough left on what you have there to re-use without cutting. Drill new holes in the base if you have to.
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Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
the point of 5200 is that it is strong adhesive and it will flex and take shock better than is working for me...Yamaha puts it together with a flexible adhesive...

Funny, everyone that I have done had the same green glue that is used to bond the hulls together. Kawi uses the same stuff. Nothing flexible about it. You just about have to use a hammer and chisel to remove it.


whoomp there it is!
Umeå, Sweden
the stop on your car door is to save the door from overextending not for you to ride the door out on. :tomato:

the stock pole has a stop from it overextending? and when you put a rope on there it´s for stoping it in a better way.
maybe not ment to hit your pole but it saves the hull/pole.
at least i did with my stock SN. hit a sandbar and my limiting rope saved my pole and hull but it hurt me like a bitch.

it´s like putting a limiting rope on your car door so you can ride out on it because the stock door stop isn´t enough,
East Coast.
I think its better to become a better rider and not land on the pole.

Jdiz- breaks 2 and on were due to a useless repair. had you done it right it would still be fine after the first break.[/quote]

your right i'd love to be a better rider. just one way to get there. push it and yourself harder = broken parts.

anyway i didnt the pole. i threw a airborn turn that slid out under me. ski wanted to go left i went right. pole broke right.

it will be solid come tomorrow. will keep you all posted if it breaks again.
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