sneak preview - new video

oh also i downloaded quicktime 7 and still cant watch the vid,right click save as doesnt work either,clicking on the link just gives me a page cant display what am i doing wrong?


Eat, Sleep, Ride, Groove
I couldn't get this video to load on either of my windows machines at work or home. I open it on my powerbook and bam, instant movie. I love this apple so much! :arms:
I can get every vid to play on here and 2 others,but none of the vids you oside guys post play EVER. I guess you all use apple software to upload?I dont get it.I have QT 7 and itunes installed on this laptop,no luck, the heck with quality just make a wmp that works for everyone for forum use,qual is for dvds,lols

then you dont have to answer all of us tards on how to get it to work,there is some beauty in click and play
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