So How Sick Have You Been This Season!!??

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I have been sick all year, it showed up when I got an umbilical hernia, also developed sciatica down my left leg, the pain was it was like someone kicked you in the gut, and the sciatica was so bad I could barely walk at the end of the day, I went to the DR they said it's this and it's that, tried several medications some worked most di nothing except burn holes in my wallet, I struggled through to get to the off season and had the hernia operation done about a month ago, it was the whole issue and now I am on the mend and ready to ride skis this year.


manic mechanic
Twin Lakes AR
Haven't been sick in 20 years...i quit eating fast food , take zero medications experimental or otherwise... try it you'll feel better
There is good info here. I always feel great after a few days of eating healthy. I try to stay away from much fat fried foods and starches. My nemesis is Mountain Dew, allthough lately I've cut way back as the wife and I are going back to the gym 5 nights a week...........I'm exhausted! I've not been actually sick either besides a head cold here and there for probably 25 years. I did fight a round of food poisoning but still no doctor, there's nothing they can do about's awful.

WFO......I used to laugh at the older guys that would come in at the supply house I used to work at, complaining about sciatica. Man, that stuff is no joke!! I had it happen about 1 1/2 years ago. Rolled out of bed one morning and BANG....instant pain down one leg, enough to bring tears to your eyes. My calf balled up and half my fool was numb for about a week. I stretch regularly now and have not had any issues since.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
They put me on an Arthritis medicine called meloxicam, it worked wonders for the sciatica, my back and even my carpal tunnel, it's some kind of anti-inflammatory medication.

My biggest concern now is I am in AFIB and taking lots of medications for that, the medications probably won;t work and most likely the will have to do a Cardioversion to get my heart back into rhythm .


manic mechanic
Twin Lakes AR
My wife takes Meloxicam every now and then for shoulder pain, good stuff. Pretty sure it's bone spurs that need ground down but it only bothers her if she uses that arm a lot in one day.

....Now AFIB too??? Damn, you're falling apart bro LOL!!

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
My wife takes Meloxicam every now and then for shoulder pain, good stuff. Pretty sure it's bone spurs that need ground down but it only bothers her if she uses that arm a lot in one day.

....Now AFIB too??? Damn, you're falling apart bro LOL!!
I am an optimist at least everything so far is curable
There is good info here. I always feel great after a few days of eating healthy. I try to stay away from much fat fried foods and starches. My nemesis is Mountain Dew, allthough lately I've cut way back as the wife and I are going back to the gym 5 nights a week...........I'm exhausted! I've not been actually sick either besides a head cold here and there for probably 25 years. I did fight a round of food poisoning but still no doctor, there's nothing they can do about's awful.

WFO......I used to laugh at the older guys that would come in at the supply house I used to work at, complaining about sciatica. Man, that stuff is no joke!! I had it happen about 1 1/2 years ago. Rolled out of bed one morning and BANG....instant pain down one leg, enough to bring tears to your eyes. My calf balled up and half my fool was numb for about a week. I stretch regularly now and have not had any issues since.
I trashed 3 vertebrae rights before the plandemic construction related...anyway all of those disks hit nerves and as a result I'm kinda numb, back /arm sucks. but the hell fire from the sciatica that's a bitch guard your neck and spine they don't get better you just get meaner

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I trashed 3 vertebrae rights before the plandemic construction related...anyway all of those disks hit nerves and as a result I'm kinda numb, back /arm sucks. but the hell fire from the sciatica that's a bitch guard your neck and spine they don't get better you just get meaner
They put me on a couple of different medications for SCIATICA, both got rid of the SCIATICA pain but there were side effects , both medications are also used to treat antidepression and they left my head in a fog , I didn't even feel it was safe to drive on those medications, one was AMITRIPTYLINE with the emphasis on TRIP, the other was DULOXETINE. You might give one of those a try , your results may vary.
They put me on a couple of different medications for SCIATICA, both got rid of the SCIATICA pain but there were side effects , both medications are also used to treat antidepression and they left my head in a fog , I didn't even feel it was safe to drive on those medications, one was AMITRIPTYLINE with the emphasis on TRIP, the other was DULOXETINE. You might give one of those a try
No pills, big pharma is bad for your health I find hard work is the best medicine
For the first time since 2018 I came down with a flu of sorts right around last month on the 19th or so. It started as a sore throat only, that lasted about 4 days, then it went into the sinuses for about 4 days, then into the chest for a couple of days as a strong whooping cough and some yak up stuff. Then from the first to the fourth of this month all I wanted to do was sleep. I would have only enough life in me to stay awake for sometimes 15-20 minutes and back to sleep for 4 hours, or I could get about an hour and a half max then sleep again for 3-4 hours. It was this way all through a 3 or so day stretch. The chest congestion cleared up pretty much fully after about 2 weeks other than a cough which I'm still dealing with. I still get a random barking cough that I can't shake yet. I've been hearing it's a 6-8 week long coughing phase that others have experienced so I'm still looking at a couple more weeks minimum before it may show signs of clearing out. My voice went a little rough too but probably from the coughing. I picked this up from a couple of coworkers that decided to be stupid and come into work with it because they were bored with being stuck at home dealing with it. That brilliant little act caused my roommate to come down with it really badly resulting in him getting put on a steroidal puffer and liquid hydromorphone to deal with the chest pain from coughing so violently. He didn't have any symptoms for the first few days, went to work and now most guys at his work have it. I was livid with the two morons at work and told them I'll kick their a$$es through their throats if they ever do that again. I visited friends not knowing I was coming down with it and they're immune compromised. One recently went through cancer treatment and the other has COPD and severe athsma. Both are in their 80's. I said to the morons that what they did was out of pure selfishness and it could have killed my friends had they picked it up from me. Common sense and logical thinking isn't difficult to practice but nobody wants to practice it anymore.


Buy a Superjet
Woke up this morning with sore throat and stuffy nose.. So going to up the vitC to 3g a day, zinc to 60g a day along with b, d, and mag. But I think what helps most is taking a melatonin at 7pm and getting 8+ hours of sleep.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
A couple of years back they did a Cardioversion on me and shocked my heart back into rhythm, after that they put me on Amarodone to keep my heart in rhythm , well it turns out that after a couple of years on this stuff I started developing side effects, everything from stomach upset, nausea, unsteadiness , joint pain , sleeplessness , weight gain , liver function problems , blurred vision , night blindness and brain fog , I hit the triple trifecta and had all of the above.

So at the Cardiologist visit Monday we had this discussion and after hearing all of this she put me on a different medication called Multaq which is supposed to have way less side effects , I have to stop taking the Amarodone for a week then start the Multaq .

It turns out Amarodone does not work like most meds do , it has to build up in the cells to a certain level before it starts working which is why initially you take it three times a day , then later it was cut back to once per day , apparently it stays in your system for up to 120 days after you start taking it, basically the cells have to die and be replaced to get it out of your system, nasty stuff and I am really glad to be off of it now , wish me luck.
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