So there I was minding my own busness....

I'm happy to report that I got my first warning for reckless operation . The lake is like a ghost town this time of year. Allow me to paint the picture, I was in the middle of the lake playing around on the hood . There were No other boats on the water except one.... guess who. The DNR came from approx 300 yds to hassle me. I guess I was the only boat they could find. I was some what offended when he said it was reckless... I told him what he was witnessing was pin point control, accompanied with the agility of and dexterity of a professional athlete . He laughed and explained Ga law section bla bla bla . They also told me it was for my safety as well. I thanked them for saving me from myself . I should have told them that I had a the note from my mother.... Any way in the end he gave me a warning. I can't believe these guy's..... where are they during the high traffic times when irresponsible operators with no concept of Maritime rules only qualified with with an ASS AND A FACE are every where. Keep in mind these are the same guys that banned Ratti from the lake for "reckless operation"..............please . Ratti could do back flips and rolls in his kitchen if there was enough water depth.
I'm happy to report that I got my first warning for reckless operation . The lake is like a ghost town this time of year. Allow me to paint the picture, I was in the middle of the lake playing around on the hood . There were No other boats on the water except one.... guess who. The DNR came from approx 300 yds to hassle me. I guess I was the only boat they could find. I was some what offended when he said it was reckless... I told him what he was witnessing was pin point control, accompanied with the agility of and dexterity of a professional athlete . He laughed and explained Ga law section bla bla bla . They also told me it was for my safety as well. I thanked them for saving me from myself . I should have told them that I had a the note from my mother.... Any way in the end he gave me a warning. I can't believe these guy's..... where are they during the high traffic times when irresponsible operators with no concept of Maritime rules only qualified with with an ASS AND A FACE are every where. Keep in mind these are the same guys that banned Ratti from the lake for "reckless operation"..............please . Ratti could do back flips and rolls in his kitchen if there was enough water depth.

making him chuckle probably got you out of a ticket....

Next time, tell him you are a finely tuned ex high-school athlete and he'll probalby leave you along



V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
Getting stopped by prick DNR and cops sucks. That's when I like to say " I'm sorry officer. I'm sorry you were picked on as a child and now choose to take out your self redemption power trip on the rest of the word."
I'll consed the point...... I was ....BREAKIN THE LAW BREAKEN THE LAW..... but some amount of common since judgment on their part should be used. The speed limit is 55 mph ,but they don't write tickets for 51 mph.
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