the staff at the makai might be reluctant to let a bunch of jetskiers stay there again since some people thought it would be cool to do stupid shyt like trashing rooms, putting azhiaziam stickers everywhere, riding minis around through the corridors as well as other completely immature crap.
i guess that pretending youre an irresponsible rock star is good for the sport
:bigeyes: I must have missed most of that, Charlie. :bigeyes:
I was at the sports bar with a few good friends...:cool2:
I recall seeing a picture of Evan and his mini, but I doubt he'll make it this year. :sneaky:
And I thought the stickers were plastering the local "Outback." :dunno:
I seriously doubt our group trashed it anymore than the Spring Breakers of years gone by...:biggrin:
All BS aside, the Daytona Freeride rocked, IMHO, and the fact that the Junior Lifeguards received a contribution from our group proved to me that what we did was "good for the sport." :biggthumpup: