Super Jet solas mag pump huge gaps between pump and nozzle


Karma Enforcer
West Michigan
I just had prop spacers machined and finally putting the pump back together. I have some serious gaps between the nozzle and pump. I received a rubber spacer that does not take up all the slop between the pump and nozzle. Its not even close. It seems that no matter how i line up the pump and nozzle there is a gap somewhere. Anyone else run into this problem? am i missing something? I can have another spacer machined up so that it is a tight fit, but dang
! DSCN0722.jpgDSCN0721.jpg
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I got mine from Impros and they sent me a ring to put in there to take up the space! Works perfect. I have heard other just used silicone to fill the gap though.


Karma Enforcer
West Michigan
i got a rubber gasket, but i expected it to be a tight seal like the oem pump. There are two ways i can put the gasket on : One way the gasket doesn't take up the gap and is a loose fit between the pump and nozzle and i get that gap. If I turn the gasket kinda inside out and sqwish the rubber gasket in there, it would take up the space and probably seal it decent but then i run the risk of the pump mounting holes not lining up just right since i just increased the distance just a little. It could also cut the gasket when i tighten the 4 pump bolts. hard to see in the pics but there is clearly air gap there.
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Down Side Up
waterford, MI
I've built a few of these now, 61x exit nozzles seem to fit the closest. I used silicone on the first i built, its holding up great.
I used the rubber washer on another that had a larger gap, its holding up great.
On my personal ski i use a raider 62T nozzle and the gap is like yours. I used a ring i received from Art. Yet to be tested..


Beach Bum
Florida - U.S.A.
I would just use a bead of hard rubber type silicone around the reduction nozzle - pump stator flange area and let it dry overnight.

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