Other Solas trim system with adjustable exit diameters. Updated pics

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Well my trim showed up tonight and Chris was correct, the damn thing won't fit on a Skat Mag pump without a lot more clearancing than I am comfortable with. I have to say, I'm a little disappointed. The quality is really good and right out of the box it's almost equal to my highly modded SE Trim for steering and trim throw and it wouldn't take much grinding to get alot more.

I guess I will have to see if I can get my SE trim modded to accept the rings and sell this thing off to one of the guys running the Solas Mag Pump...

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
or you could send me the reduction nozzle to have the recessed area machined larger so it will work with your skat mag.

I'l text you some pics but I don't think the lip has enough meat for that plus the reduction nozzle overal is a smaller diameter with a lot less volume. I bet it would have a ton of thrust and top speed though.


Beach Bum
Florida - U.S.A.
I'l text you some pics but I don't think the lip has enough meat for that plus the reduction nozzle overal is a smaller diameter with a lot less volume. I bet it would have a ton of thrust and top speed though.
I believe you may be correct from the pictures you just posted that the nozzle may be too thin for any machining at the base mounting. Also that reduction appears to be real thin at the end with the larger diameter ring installed so not sure there would be any room to make it any bigger. I still would like to take some dimensional and angle measurements to compare it with other reduction nozzles.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Well I'll box up both systems and ship them too you for some hybrid mating. Put them both under a blanket on your bench, put on some Barry white and see what happens. :naughty:


Back Flips & Barrel Rolls
Wilmington, NC
did you ever get your trim set up?

i still haven't put the pump in but i was playing with it and doing some measuring and the stock trim throw appears to be limited to about 20 or 21 degrees.... i recall you having 30+ on your last nozzle so i figured you'd be working on improving the solas....

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
I gave the Solas a place to stay for one night and the very next day it ran off with my Sato trim system. According to a friend, they were spotted down in Florida. They are doing well and I can only hope they will return soon. The father in me worries about what they are up to but do find myself wondering what their offspring will look like. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I just wish they would text a couple pics so I can see they are both alright.

Signed: Trimless in Charleston
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Jet zoomers
Yes, these reduction/steering/trim nozzles are what is included in the complete Solas Yamaha Performance Pump, which also includes the popular Stainless 12 Vane Stator Section & Stainless Wear Ring's. I too have these available in either complete pump assembly or just in the sections (Wear Ring, Stator or Reduction/Steering/Trim Nozzle Setup).

I will post more pictures of the setup tomorrow.


OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
I received proof of life today so I know my SE is still alive and well. She's had some work done since I saw her last but I think she's gonna be okay.



Back Flips & Barrel Rolls
Wilmington, NC
bringing this back from the dead!

daytona got me motivated to put this pump to use so i anxiously started working on my new blaster hull and was stoked to see how the nozzle looked sticking out the rear of the chopped hull....

until i found that the "arm" that the trim cable would attach to is so friggin tall, it hits the hull! what in the *@*(@*$))(&&$$##!

i've got plenty of time to figure out what to do but i'm guessing either the blaster has way less room between the rear deck of the hull and the reduction nozzle than other ski's OR nobody has ever installed one of these things. grrrrrrrrrr

pictures to follow

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
You can compensate in other ways. Thrust ezpull setup with a pulley or as simple as a longer trim lever with more leverage. You can purchase all the components seperatly from Thrust if you like.

Mine is a straight pull with a pretty large ASV lever that allows me to pull at any time with little effort.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
It's not as bad as you think. Basically all you are doing is building a C.A.T.S system with some really trick nozzles. The trim ring is identical and therefore can be modded the same so search the threads for C.A.T.S systems and you will find tons of advice on how to make it work.

That Solas trim ring is pretty heavy too so you could even consider modding an OEM ring instead, save some weight and keep the original one in mint condition in case you ever want to sell it again. I may or may not be able to supply you with a composite one as well...in your choice of color... :sneaky:


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Back Flips & Barrel Rolls
Wilmington, NC
Man at this point I have so much other stuff to do to this hull, trim is the last thing I should be thinking about or spending money on..... I was just stressing when I found that it wouldn't fit.

Those composite pieces are nice.... Maybe one day haha


FREEdumb obtained
It was good meeting both of you guys in Daytona. I'd be interested in one of those composite trim rings Boyer. I need to get this thing set up soon. 78* here in South Texas.

BlasterDisaster: I have the same setup......keep me in the loop. I'll see what we can figure out over here.
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