Some Bad News...

Odd Duck

Jet Vet
Wow, so worry to hear this happened, but really glad that he's doing well. Send him a "Get well soon" from Mark and I and tell him I'll kick his ass if I ever hear about him not using preventive precautions in the future. Somehow I think he'll be a little more careful from here on out. Nothing like a near death experience to make you realize how important it is to take the time to use those safety precautions.
We went to see Todd yesterday & he looks surprisingly good for the whole ordeal. He was pretty much his joking self; even with 7-9 broken ribs & trashed shoulder. Nick remember if y'all need anything at all just give me a ring.



Looking to the sky
League city tx
He is doing much better today, has all of the meds and such removed. Only thing left is the chest tube being used to keep his lung inflated and fluids drained. As soon as he has reached the limit for fluids left in his chest he will be able to come home to continue his recovery. Now that he has been taken off of the morphine, he is much like his old self again. Joking and laughing as well. He's back to acting like my Dad once again, the goof he is.

Thank you everyone for your kind words and wishes. My family and I certainly appreciate them alot!


Site Supporter
I know the dr. took the tube out of his lung. He sent me the pic of his shoulder where the car fell on him. Man I know that hurt more than my toe.

Odd Duck

Jet Vet
Yeah, buddy! I've been whining around about whacking my leg (6 weeks out and I'm still getting color coming up to the surface), but somehow that seems so insignificant compared to a car crushing your chest and that whole, "not breathing" thing. Makes you realize how fragile life can be and what counts as a REALLY serious injury.

Get well soon, Todd!


Looking to the sky
League city tx
Well, He is just about on his way home from the hospital! after having the chest tube removed, he was able to get released from the hospital. All thats left is the recovery from all of the fractured ribs, and the broken bones in his shoulder. I'm sure he will be on here within the next few days if he is feeling well enough to update everyone himself, knowing the way my dad is :twak:

Last i heard was the fluid levels in his lung were down to where they needed to be, and there was a small air pocket on the x-ray. Other than that, everything seems to be going smoothly!
Hey everybody. Thanks for the well wishes. I have been home a few days now and can get around pretty good and each day is better than the last but it sure hurts to move around with that many broken bones. Have a follow up tomorrow with the trauma center so I am hoping to get to see the x-rays and see where all the breaks are.

While I have no excuse for lack of saftey one thing that I never thought about before was having someone around that can call for help if/when you get hurt. If my little 9 yr old Katie had not called 911 then ran across the street to get the neighboors I would not be here today. She kept her head together in a very bad situation.

No more riding for me this season but I will be back.


Just plain me....
Glad you are up & about. Goes without saying that you gave everyone a good scare - but glad it has a happy ending. Miss Katie is definitely a hero!! Hope she is doing ok with the whole ordeal.

Odd Duck

Jet Vet
Soooo glad to hear you're doing OK. It just about made me sick when I started reading that first post and it takes a LOT to make ME feel sick! Take care, sleep lots, don't be a macho man and skip meds - pain meds help you heal faster! Oh, and get well SOON!
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