I wasnt going to say anything because this thread seems pretty heated right now, but ive decided to just say what i have to say anyway. Im not taking sides, im just going to state how i see it.
After reading this entire thread, it made me remember about a similar conversation i had with a buddy of mine about 2 weeks ago. Both of us agreed the sport seems to have too much aerial stunts and not growing in the direction
WE want it to. this made me think. This is a "spectator sport" and what affects the growth of a "spectator sport" relies on how the spectator sees it
So, this made me think of the sport in the perspective of the people on shore viewing it. I live in Daytona Beach. we get to ride the surf and launch off the beach. the beaches we ride are normal local beaches which are filled with people who are there just to be on the beach. these people most definitely have heard of a jet ski and probably have seen one, but that is the most they can say about it. Im not the best rider out there by far and i cant do the inverted stuff the pros do (yet), but i can get out there and ride the waves and do some basic aerial tricks (no hands, nose stabs, point backs, ect.) im also working on "waveriding" and im starting to get the feel of it. i can slash and make somewhat smooth s turns and what not and i really enjoy that style of riding. However, when i come back on shore, the people who come up to me in amazement of what we do out there, all they mention are the aerial tricks.
If you think about this sport in the perspective of the regular joe, who has never ridden a stand up, has never surfed, has never seen a jet ski riding in the surf it, it makes it pretty clear why the aerial tricks are the most popular. To the average Joe, when they see someone riding a jet ski in the surf, their imagination exaggerates every aspect. When they see someone waveriding, they see a guy on a get ski going up to a wave and making simple s-turns and just messing around. they think to themselves, "eh, hes not really doing anything" and soon get bored. when the regular joe sees someone pull a simple backflip with one hand off the bar, their
imagination sees a guy doing a double backflip 20 feet in the air with no hands or feet. that is what they will remember and thats what theyre going to tell their buddies when they get home. yes, it is frustrating. and yes, i wish people would recognize me doing the kind of riding that takes a lot of time and skill to learn, but as much as we want that, it wont happen because people just dont understand...
I want to remind you, im all for waveriding. i know what it takes to ride a standup in the surf and i know how difficult it is to ride the waves, but when it comes down to it, aerial tricks are more exciting for the average spectator. after all, those are the people who spread the word about our sport. like MattE said earlier. the sport is going to go in the direction it wants. we dont have control over it. why? because its a spectator sport and the its goes in the direction the spectator finds the most exciting.
i leave you with a thought. i know were talking about riding surf, but this will let you see where im coming from.
which one of these videos do you think a person will find more impressive if they saw it live? which on of these videos do you think someone will remember and go home to tell their buddies or family? remember to watch these videos through the eyes of a spectator who hasnt seen something like this before. if you have to ask why, just remember how we get this sport to grow. not by impressing the people who already know everything about this sport, but the people who never knew it existed.
I know which one i find more impressive, but do you think that really matters? who are we trying to impress here? when someone i know shows an interest in this sport, i show them videos of todays riding because i know that will blow their mind more than watching an old school video which i know they will most likely find a bit boring.
I sure hope you dont take this the wrong way. im just trying to make you think in a different perspective.
ps: take it easy on me...lol its just an opinion.