Surfriding Some recent surf riding


Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
Had 3-5 footers over the last two weeks. Hers some footage courtesy of "that guy". Out there killing it on the fixed steers.

Tried to post it from my phone. If someone can embed it in the post better go for it.
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Formerly Motoman25
Long Island

waters not bad. Around 55 now. We have been lucky with the surf forecast this season. Normally we are praying for 2 footers.

I think that sandbar is shaped a little better this year too, it has a sharp shelf so its deep right on the back side of the waves and only about waist deep where they are white watering. Not as scary as lawn darting near the beach.

Normally we ride a beach break when the surf is not so good but it is not so legal and the surf casters call the cops a lot. The surfers seem to be cool though, we stay away from them when they are in the water. It's been nice to ride the sandbar in the middle of the inlet instead. Also easier to take a break and float while not getting killed by big lipping waves in 3 feet of water.


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This was not really ready for public viewing. Low rez quick edits ok music but I will redeem myself with a good video soon....
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