Square nose for a good deal?

Hey guys, I'm looking at a square nose in NJ for $1000. its a 650, but i have a 701 sitting in my workshop that just needs assembly, has elctronics too and a blaster b-pipe. How hard would it be to put this plant in this SJ? is this ski worth the 20 hour round trip and 150 bucks in diesel?


I NEED to ride
Sounds like a long trip but..since i live in new jersey ide say do it but thats a long ride and then u gota swap the engines when u get home


LKN Freestyle Militia
Lake norman, nc
Maybe..But for 20 hrs road trip i'd say no unless there is nothing by you in maine. You could prolly get a stock 650 SJ for like $800 or so. But hell if you wanna make the drive and you got the 701 at home do it and get it over w/ so you have an SJ.


Johnstown, NY
thats a friggin hike man! i thought 8 hours round trip was bad. id wait for another one closer or see if he'd ship it... or try uship.com its pretty cool b/c truckers check it and if they have some free space on their truck will going on a route near you, they'll offer to take it up with them...cheap


Rochester NY
i bought a real nice sj right off the nj turnpike for 700 with a trailer. I drove over from ny ... 12 hours round trip. It seems there has been a few go deals in nj i say keep looking local.
i agree, but to be honest I have seen 2 750s advertised, a couple of 650 sx's, and i saw a 550 totally destroyed, and thats IT in 3 years. Maine is DEAD for skis, and ive never seen a superjet here... thanks for the price advice, and im contacting the seller for location info if you guys are willing to check it out for me.
The guy lives at 1212 NIIHAU DR FORKED RIVER NJ 08731 according to his e-mail, if anyone is near here and doesnt mind swinging by id really appreciate it, if you have a spare batt. bring it along, he claims it will run but he has a bad battery.
i'll have to see if he'll bring down the price at all... if anyone would be kind enough to visit the ski it would be most appreciated! if its too far out of your way i dont blame you tho!


Old school -not by choice
Twincities, MN
MN is also bad for skis... I don't know if I would drive 20hrs for a stock 650, because I am willing to bet you could drive 22hrs for a built up square for a bit more...
alright thanks for the advice. Since NJ is probly the closest area with a fair amount of SJ's feel free to e-mail me if you see a ski for sale that you dont want. I have friends in Cookstown that I can stay at to break the trip up a little.
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