squish on flat tops

I will tell you that from a very reliable sorce a flattop 785 makes about 8hp on the bottom end of the tourque curve and made about 100+ rpms on top with equally set up engines, only differance was the piston crown shape and the setup to run the different pistons. Yes and it ran a parallel squish band. Flattops make a differance on the first couple of boat lengths.


do you think it would help to add a little more duration to my transfers on my setup i posted previously.i think im gonna build this setup with dome pistons with la sleeves and use a better sleeve for the flatop motor.thanks for the great info


Matakana Menace
I will tell you that from a very reliable sorce a flattop 785 makes about 8hp on the bottom end of the tourque curve and made about 100+ rpms on top with equally set up engines, only differance was the piston crown shape and the setup to run the different pistons. Yes and it ran a parallel squish band. Flattops make a differance on the first couple of boat lengths.

Who is this reliable source you talk about? There had better be a dyno involved when you are pulling number out like this.

Here's the thing. Racers have a guage to see the direct results of changes to the drive, its the snap of the band. The top teams spent a ton of money testing, building, and more testing. TJ was one of those talented few who did just that. Randy at WATCON also got to do alot of testing of the top machines. With racers, even lower level riders get the see who has what. Freestyle guys don't get that kind of side by side comparison. Sure you can ride someone elses boat and get a sensation, but any racers who builds can tell you how it feels doesn't always mean what is happening. It can feel faster, quicker but a race showes it and it may not be how it feels. It would get very irritated when people on this board would throw out hp numbers. If you have studied and have some experiance you knew that there claims were unobtainable or just plain crap. I've been kind of a Forest Gump when it comes to getting sneak peaks into the best watercraft engines around, got talk with the builders and even work on some. I have teched the WF twice and several NT events. I don't know everything (hell, not even that much) but I have a good idea of what the best have done and have seen it, I just wish I had the money to try more of my ideas.


makin' legs
Here's the thing. Racers have a guage to see the direct results of changes to the drive, its the snap of the band. The top teams spent a ton of money testing, building, and more testing. TJ was one of those talented few who did just that. Randy at WATCON also got to do alot of testing of the top machines. With racers, even lower level riders get the see who has what. Freestyle guys don't get that kind of side by side comparison. Sure you can ride someone elses boat and get a sensation, but any racers who builds can tell you how it feels doesn't always mean what is happening. It can feel faster, quicker but a race showes it and it may not be how it feels. It would get very irritated when people on this board would throw out hp numbers. If you have studied and have some experiance you knew that there claims were unobtainable or just plain crap. I've been kind of a Forest Gump when it comes to getting sneak peaks into the best watercraft engines around, got talk with the builders and even work on some. I have teched the WF twice and several NT events. I don't know everything (hell, not even that much) but I have a good idea of what the best have done and have seen it, I just wish I had the money to try more of my ideas.

The best stuff I've read in a long time. Feel means NOTHING for how much power a given motor puts out. You're exactly right about race builders having something to actually measure. Well put!:cool:
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