not at all my point.
im just saying that all of us should make sure to play it as safe as possible and minimize risk to other people on the water.
as sorta of the " elders of the tribe " so to speak, i think it's sort of our responsibility to lead a little.
like this example: if you came zipping past my boat while my kids where out swimming by it, there would be some real crap flying.
so if we don't encourage that to newbie riders maybe we are helping a little.
im suprised matt that you are supporting this sort of behavior, we all break laws but some laws are better to follow than others.
the ones based on common sense and safety to others should affect us all,
i myself am not really even thinking about the guy or his brother that this post is about, im thinking more of my own kids and what i would expect when im on the lake with them.
so to say that i am making a point about him is invalid.