SXR Stand up pulling a tuber


tru that , but at least you will most likely only break yourself or your wallet. not potentially kill another poor sucker.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Riding closer than legal minimum to each other and boats
Riding close to boats
Aerials that potentially separate rider from ski, perhaps with wrapped or disabled kill switch

to name a few.


Riding closer than legal minimum to each other and boats
Riding close to boats
Aerials that potentially separate rider from ski, perhaps with wrapped or disabled kill switch

to name a few.

well typically in those cases the other people involved take that risk on themselves and are aware of the risk, ie other riders near you.
it's not some innocent bystander on the dock or rider a tube getting his head bashed in.

us guys in cleveland when it comes to chasing boats and wake jumping ,do actually keep a really good distance from the boat. so even though they don't appreciate us they are not affected by us either.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
So your argument is that while most of us do stupid and illegal stuff, it's better than what the OP does because it involves one less person? :clown:

I'm not so sure about that. I know that 90% of my riding is stupid & illegal. It's not going to be less so by me judging some other fool on the internet.


not at all my point.
im just saying that all of us should make sure to play it as safe as possible and minimize risk to other people on the water.

as sorta of the " elders of the tribe " so to speak, i think it's sort of our responsibility to lead a little.

like this example: if you came zipping past my boat while my kids where out swimming by it, there would be some real crap flying.

so if we don't encourage that to newbie riders maybe we are helping a little.

im suprised matt that you are supporting this sort of behavior, we all break laws but some laws are better to follow than others.
the ones based on common sense and safety to others should affect us all,

i myself am not really even thinking about the guy or his brother that this post is about, im thinking more of my own kids and what i would expect when im on the lake with them.

so to say that i am making a point about him is invalid.
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steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I'm not supporting it. I wouldn't do it. But I won't stand here and judge it, either, when I myself engage in behavior on my ski that's illegal most of the time and probably just as, if not more dangerous.
Like I said earlier, the close proximity to the dock is troubling (and that has been pointed out multiple times). But other than that, there seems to be no one else on the water - so what's the harm.
okay im gonna vent a bit.. first of all the above stated is talking about riding close to boats when hitting a v-wake.. nobody is riding close to them when its parked with people swimming??? obviously that is common sense. i dont know where you got that silly accusation from. second, i ride close to shore and close to docks when going up or down river... why, well because i dont wanna get run over by some jerk off doing 80mph in his magic with a beer in his hand. Im well aware if there are people swiming as well. besides the river that i ride, its verry uncommon to see anyone swimming outside of the buoys, unless youre with a boat


Freighter wake hunter
Portland, OR
I'm not supporting it. I wouldn't do it. But I won't stand here and judge it, either, when I myself engage in behavior on my ski that's illegal most of the time and probably just as, if not more dangerous.
Like I said earlier, the close proximity to the dock is troubling (and that has been pointed out multiple times). But other than that, there seems to be no one else on the water - so what's the harm.
Matt is only endangering himself not others. That would be called a victimless crime.

Let's fast forward from that video to a family reunion a few years later...You were doing what when you got your brother paralyzed from the neck down?

There is crazy fun and there is stupid crazy.


Matt is only endangering himself not others. That would be called a victimless crime.

Let's fast forward from that video to a family reunion a few years later...You were doing what when you got your brother paralyzed from the neck down?

There is crazy fun and there is stupid crazy.

this is what im saying. im not accusing or blaming, just saying . use common sense
subhard totally with you on the fact that its fun. sometimes we get like a mob from all sides. Most guys on here or the guys that post on the regular are about the same age 35-45.

we are all becoming our dads and saying things like what are those kids wearing or pull up your pants or complaining about their music.

we want this sport to continue and protect each other, in the big picture.....Remote lake in Alaska nobody else around lives can change quick.

Party on
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