Standup on snow? Meet the Jetsnow 670


Captain of this ship
I think the problem with it nay be in mountain terrain where your often off camber. That think would roll down the mountain too easy


Ride for life
North NJ
I think a stand up sled would get boring quick. The best thing about sleds is you can go for 100's of miles and check out all kids of terrain.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Don't say that too loud, next thing you know BRP will be putting out a Summit 3D with Vert/Moto/Cart options. Oh wait, that might actually be a cool idea so more like a skandic or Tundra 3D.

Boivin Snow Hawk

*edit* For anyone interested, when you're boondocking (or riding powder) on a snowmachine you are riding on one ski. Say you want to make a left turn. You throw yourself left while turning the skis right and you ride one one ski. had a hard time finding a pic cause its such a small turn but here shows it

Man when i was first trying to learn to barrel roll a jetski, i kept throwing the bars the opposite direction of the way i was turning like as if i was boondocking my sled first i thought i wasnt going fast enough or being aggressive enough so i kept trying harder. Man i was getting hucked big time im sure it looked ridiculous . instant ejection haha. Ended up with a cracked hull that day
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