SXR starter button

I just replaced my stock handle bar with a 4degree bar, my problem is when im putting my start stop button box back on it wont line up flush on the new bars because the nipple on the bottom piece is sticking out.. but on the stock bars there is a little hole that it sits in to make it flush! so what have all you guys done to correct this problem? thanks
lightly sanded mine, but not too much so it still grabs the bars and won't spin freely. Little bit at a time and try it each time. That's what i've done. Also had a ski, that the guy just drill a hole in the bars, but then you are stuck with that position.
lightly sanded mine, but not too much so it still grabs the bars and won't spin freely. Little bit at a time and try it each time. That's what i've done. Also had a ski, that the guy just drill a hole in the bars, but then you are stuck with that position.
good idea thanks man, its just crazy that is on there to begin with?
I just sanded mine off when I went to 0 degree bars. Also, you should not need to re-jet from filters. Just monitor your plugs to make sure you are not running lean. My SXR was rich enough that I did not have to rejet after going to a higher compression head even though I expected to, that was 4 years ago and still running strong.


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Cleveland Ohio
RE JET...or kabooom. More air changes the mixture. I would just take out the trumpets on the stock filters and still REJET. Less water comes in than aftermarket filters.
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