starter issue that i have never seen


hey all. been a while.
for the past two years i have had one gremlin after another.
at the end of the season last year i had to replace plug wires, then my stator and i put it away in running condition.
went to get things going this year, took off the battery tender, and hit start. nothing. no click, no buzz. nothing.
narrowed that down to the start stop switch.

replaced that today. and she cranks............
but it will only crank one or two times and the bendix disengages, and the starter just wines out.

won't crank enough to fire, with the bendix only engaging for a crank or two. eventually wore down the battery.

when i sealed her up, i did r&r the bendix while i was in there. took off the c clip, greased her well, silky smooth action.. replaced the return spring and washer in the flywheel cover..........

has this ever happened to any of you?

BTW... it's a mutt 701 superjet early 2000's , mostly stock.. for what that's worth....

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Most likely the teeth on the flywheel are toast , the bendix engages the same set of teeth on the ring gear every time , about ten or so teeth on each side of the flywheel , eventually these get worn down and when the bendix gets to those spots it disengages , I have replaced ring gears before and I have a few times turned the ring gears over and put them back on , but if you do that you have to hand cut the bevel on each tooth with a grinder and cutting wheel, a very tedious process.


Most likely the teeth on the flywheel are toast , the bendix engages the same set of teeth on the ring gear every time , about ten or so teeth on each side of the flywheel , eventually these get worn down and when the bendix gets to those spots it disengages , I have replaced ring gears before and I have a few times turned the ring gears over and put them back on , but if you do that you have to hand cut the bevel on each tooth with a grinder and cutting wheel, a very tedious process.
ugh...... certainly the last thing i hoped to hear. makes sense though. back into the motor again it seems.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Before you do all that get an inspection mirror and a flashlight and you can inspect the teeth on the flywheel without removing it , I know quite a but about this because the 91 Seadoos came with improper spacing between the starter and the flywheel, we replaced a ton of ring gears on those till they figured out the problem.


Before you do all that get an inspection mirror and a flashlight and you can inspect the teeth on the flywheel without removing it , I know quite a but about this because the 91 Seadoos came with improper spacing between the starter and the flywheel, we replaced a ton of ring gears on those till they figured out the problem.
how can i see the teeth with out removing the flywheel cover on a superjet?
how can i see the teeth with out removing the flywheel cover on a superjet?
I think he is thinking of a seadoo. I have had bad luck leaving a tickle charger on a battery. I still had battery's go bad. I like to top them up once a month or so they last many years that way.


I think he is thinking of a seadoo. I have had bad luck leaving a tickle charger on a battery. I still had battery's go bad. I like to top them up once a month or so they last many years that way.
ugh. load test went from 12.4 to 6. xx volts. assuming it's knackered.


Well. new battery and the same issues. plugs out she will crank and spin wonderfully. plugs in, and the bendix disengages.

read some other posts, got some ideas. new bendix is here. my spring in the cover was pretty beat up. ordered new washers and a spring for the nose of the bendix.
the oil lite bushings were replaced last year. so those are good.

it seems there is supposed to be a washer on the back side of the bendix. against the case. no diagrams show this though. why? is there a part number?
trying to order that to install with the new spring etc.
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If it's not on the parts fiche it doesn't use one and you know what you gotta do, Like Nike says Just do it !
that's my thought also , but almost every single thread i have found on here talking about 701 yamaha's starter/ bendix install, fitment and parts mentions it. can't help but wonder is it an over site on the fiche?


manic mechanic
Twin Lakes AR
Here's what I've noticed through the years. IF the bronze bushing sticks out of the case OR has a flange, there is no thrust washer. IF the bushing sits IN the case where the gear COULD rub the has a thrust washer.


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Well. new battery and the same issues. plugs out she will crank and spin wonderfully. plugs in, and the bendix disengages.

read some other posts, got some ideas. new bendix is here. my spring in the cover was pretty beat up. ordered new washers and a spring for the nose of the bendix.
the oil lite bushings were replaced last year. so those are good.

it seems there is supposed to be a washer on the back side of the bendix. against the case. no diagrams show this though. why? is there a part number?
trying to order that to install with the new spring etc.
JetManiac has the rear washer in stock.


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Here's what I've noticed through the years. IF the bronze bushing sticks out of the case OR has a flange, there is no thrust washer. IF the bushing sits IN the case where the gear COULD rub the has a thrust washer.
Have never seen a Yamaha come stock without the rear bendix washer.
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