Starter shorting in west coast exhaust

Hello all,
Recently purchased a nonrunning 650sx with a west coast exhaust that would not crank over. After diagnosing the non crank issue determined it was the starter and replaced with a cheap aftermarket starter. The ski would crank over without the exhaust. After reinstalling the exhaust the engine would not turn over. I eventually determined the positive terminal post was just touching the exhaust when fully bolted together and was shorting. Had anyone had this issue and how did you resolve it. It looks like I will either have to remove some material from the exhaust or shorten the terminal post. Has anyone had similar fitment issues or have any recommendations?
I had that happen on a Polaris once. I ground the stud down a little AND thinned the nut as well. It was just enough to work .
I tried grinding down the stud. It must have gotten to hot and now spins in the housing but still seems to work. Must not have been enough though as it still seems to short. Thanks for the heads up I will try to grind down the nut tomorrow.


manic mechanic
Twin Lakes AR
Have you ever had these starters apart? They're not too difficult, but do take a bit of finesse to re-assemble. Here's a pic of one disassembled. See that broken brass? It goes on either side of the square looking part that stud is attached to.......that's supposed to be one piece. When you take the nuts off that stud it will come right out and you could grind 'til your hearts content. I can probably get you better detailed pics if you want.
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manic mechanic
Twin Lakes AR
Not the greatest but here's a vid..........

MOST of these ski starters are the same.
Thank you very much for the video! I think that will help a lot if I can pull the stud out. I now have a better understanding of how they are assembled and will hopefully be able to rebuild one in the future as it seems inevitable.


manic mechanic
Twin Lakes AR
I actually take them apart, clean, grease, and dress the brushes as preventative maintenance for my customers if I have a top end or whole engine out.
I appreciate the help I was able to get it cranking today and as stated it did require some dexterity to get the brushes back in but overall not to bad. Thanks again.
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