Super Jet Starter Solenoid

I thought I had a bad solenoid, just getting click noises from e box when I hit the button.

I was alive with hate and tragedy because the tall end of the season weather has been so nice lately and between the rent, bills and being married I have absolutely zero disposable cash for even a used relay.

Pulled electric box apart and there was moisture all over inside, must have been condensation because I've never had much water in the hull since the motor swap. Let everything dry, and works like a champ!!!
It was just sweaty inside, no way could it have leaked while riding. Since there's never been more than 2"of water in the bilge I'm thinking it's condensation since it's been getting chilly at night.

Wouldn't be a bad idea to seal it using some plumbers or pool equipment o-ring silicone grease on both sides of the gasket and the grommets.

From now on when I store it, I'll unscrew the fuse cap so it gets some air in there.
I take that back, I still have the original hood seal that doesn't really seal anymore. Water could be trickling onto the box and working it's way inside via the top of the e box...
Think of how much water gets thrown around the hull. Think about how when you go to plane out And the ski goes nose high. That 2 inches across the whole bottom just turned into 12 inChes at the back by the ebox.


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
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New ebox seal, Hondabond or ur choice of gasket sealant and a packet or two of silica gel to deal with condensation. Ive tucked them under the coil area too. Theres dead space to be had. The fuse access let's u change the silica gel every month or two and keep things tidy. I use gasket sealant around both sides of the ebox gasket and around each grommet and around the wires that pierce the grommets. Do it and thank us later. If u want it to "air out" then remove the fuse access cap when done riding.


Cats, lots of cats!
United States
I will be going through my ski this winter and making all is still good and tight. I have never had electrical issue and don't wanna start now. I like the silica idea. Thanks for that.
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