stock 701 compression



what is the stock compression of a 701 motor suspost to be at.i just put a motor togather that i got back from the machine shop they fitted the pistons.i put it togather and it seems like they rock in the bore a good but i dunno if im just seein things should they move a little bit or should they be tight,also i put a stock head cut down dunno how much its cut or didnt check the squish but it only read 150 in each cyl after the motor was ran to seat the rings.thats why i was wondering what stock compression was and if the pistons were too loose would be causing the compression to be low with a stock head
thanks alot


sorry i ment i thaught the compression was pretty low for having a cut head on


Born in USA(not Kenya)
The compression on a stock superjet is about 135-145 psi with an accurate guage on an engine in good running condition. To check for proper clearance betwen the piston and cylinder, measure the diameter of the piston at the widest point, the skirt perpendicular to the wrist pin. The measurement should be approximately .004" smaller than the bore which should be checked in 6 with the wrist pin and perpendicular, middle-inline and perpendicular and bottom-inline and perpendicular. This will also give you all the readings you need to determine if the cylinder is round and or tapered. The amount of machining to the head surface and squish will determine how much the compression will come up.
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