Stock no more


Gen 2 X-2
So i have decided to add aftermarket upgrades to boost performance on my 89 650 x2...

For years I was afraid to change anything out because of the reliability issue.

but lately I've been having problems... (Cracked pipe and overal being sluggish) so I took apart the exhaust and the intake. cleaned all the hoses, I haven't done a compression test on it yet. and I really don't want to take apart the whole motor yet either.
so what I did was buy a 32cc carb intake setup with new reeds to replace my old 28. and then a coffmans exhaust manifold and pipe with waterbox to replace my old pipe.

My question is...
are these upgrades enough to get a noticable performance boost?
or should I slap a high performance head on it as well?
also do nylon reed boosters help or is it a scam?

much appreciated to anyone that can help.

side q....if I were to slap a 750 in the hull would I need to change out the pump and drive as well?
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So i have decided to add aftermarket upgrades to boost performance on my 89 650 x2...

For years I was afraid to change anything out because of the reliability issue.

but lately I've been having problems... (Cracked pipe and overal being sluggish) so I took apart the exhaust and the intake. cleaned all the hoses, I haven't done a compression test on it yet. and I really don't want to take apart the whole motor yet either.
so what I did was buy a 32cc carb intake setup with new reeds to replace my old 28. and then a coffmans exhaust manifold and pipe with waterbox to replace my old pipe.

My question is...
are these upgrades enough to get a noticable performance boost?
or should I slap a high performance head on it as well?
also do nylon reed boosters help or is it a scam?

much appreciated to anyone that can help.

side q....if I were to slap a 750 in the hull would I need to change out the pump and drive as well?

Definitely notice the difference. As for the 750, go for it. Don't look back.


toronto canada
sluggish ?, you might want to do a compression test, check fuel filter, cutback wire at sparkplug boot, check for any exhaust leaks make sure all bolts are tight on ski, then do your mods


Gen 2 X-2
Thanks for the responses!

@ cattledog....Yes I think I will ahve to do a compression test.
I also wanted to install a high compression head on it , but I here stories that once I do that, I will run into problems having it run reliably. so i'm not sure about that.

@x2 addict....I wish I could but don't have the money for a block and crankcase...I wonder if I could just slap a 750 top-end onto a 650 crankcase? or is that not possible? and would I have to change out the pump to fit it?


Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
Thanks for the responses!

@x2 addict....I wish I could but don't have the money for a block and crankcase...I wonder if I could just slap a 750 top-end onto a 650 crankcase? or is that not possible? and would I have to change out the pump to fit it?

Its possible with extra work, but not something you ever want to do. Get the right cases and crank.


Gen 2 X-2
K thanks for the info..

I'm also wondering if I should bump up the carb to a 44 with the proper intake. will the stock motor handle it? I have no idea what the pros and cons will be or if it will be that much more significant to the 38. also with that, will I need to bump up the ignition system? what will be the weak part of this set up?


Gen 2 X-2
oh cool....i suppose i would have to get a new intake manifold designed for the 44 right? or could i use the manifold used for the 38?


Gen 2 X-2
welp since my crack pipe incident...My ski has been stock, I have sunk close to $500 hundred into fixing the ski this year...and thats not even touching the motor!
stock head and 650 motor (both cylinders have 135 psi)
I'm puttin a coffmans pipe and a jetsport exhaust manifold on it. and i'm gonna change the 28 kehin carb to a 38 kehin carb (Hope tuning isn't too difficult) with new reeds and boosters and appropriate stock intake and a PJS drain block off plate. (still waiting for parts off ebay)

I already have a ocean pro rideplate with skegs and 28 mm deep intake grate, aluminum waterbox, quick steer, oil block off plate. new sealed battery. pjs two finger trigger. aluminum bars, and custom Hydro turf matts and seat.

But I'm wondering if I need to grab a high compression head and gasket to round out the upgrades.(i have a mariner head somewhere if i can find it)
and if I could possibly upgrade more with out sinking too much more money into it.

I'm also heavily thinking about cutting an inch and a half off the backend to improve turning.

i want to get it into the water Stat!!!




this ski use to run tits.....aaron davis (ADR) use to work on it...when I lived in socal.
but sadly i live in minnesota now...and no-one can help me with it.
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Gen 2 X-2
here's my aluminum crack pipe! the headpipe (if that's what it's called?) is stainless steel.
can anybody identify the make?

I wonder what could have caused it to crack?
I noticed that one of my motor mounts (left rear) is cracked. could that be the cause?

Also I'm not very good at winterizing...could it be the -30 below weather freezing water left in the pipe this past winter?

I have a friend that can weld aluminum...but i wonder if it worth welding...I'd probably sell it on

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Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
That's not a stock pipe off of an 89' 650 X2.

Very nice ski. Look into a 750 or 800 motor. The 650 and 750 will run well with the 44mm Mikuni carb. You don't need to change the electronics out (but it's easy to advance the timing on te 650 if you want too.) A pipe will give you a performaance gain. Waterboxes usually make more noise and not more power. The bad motor mount probably did not crack the pipe but it increases the chance the other 3 will break. The bad motor mount can cause extra vibration (which could of hurt your pipe...) but can also wear out your bearings sooner.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Water box foam went out today. You should see it in a few days.

You are on the right path. If you can find a good 750, by all means do it. There is a guy interested in buying my spare 650 bottom end. I said, why spend money on a 650? I will sell it to you sure, but just buy the 750 or 800. You will be better off in the long run. Power = happiness!

Yes you will need a special manifold for the 44 SBN Mikuni

I for now would weld that pipe and run it. Look for a FPP if you can find one for a decent price.

Replace the motor mount ASAP!


Gen 2 X-2
Oh My...I guess i need to replace that motor mount....thanks...

@ Vumad...yes, i know thats not a stock pipe....I replaced it a few years back.


Gen 2 X-2
So I'm waiting for a few more parts and pieces, mainly a WC head and gasket..I also need a few more high pressure hoses for the dual cooling exhaust manifold and head
dunno if i'll need to utilize both.......hell, i'm still a little confused on where the extra high pressure hose goes steming from the bottom of the exhaust manifold. I know how all the others on the pipe and head hook's just that one that i'm unsure about.

I just recieved the 38 keihin Carb and coffman's pipe and Jetsport exhaust manifold
BTW...I'm a little concerned about the diameter of the exhaust port coming out of the manifold...It's larger than the exhaust port going into the head pipe...the head pipe is a smaller diameter by a few mm's..which basically means not a good flow....and I cannot port out the diameter of the head pipe for fear of thinning the walls into the water ports.....I might need to get another exhaust manifold...another is on the way.

side notes:
I got new motor mounts too...yay!
and I got rid of the water seperater as well.
Blocked off the motor drain...and blocked off the oil pump as well.
got a few cool blue fuel hoses too.
And I'm strongly thinking about getting a Dales Bad Attitude CDI

I'll take more pics when I get the motor in the hull...I'm painting the bottom of the hull her all prepped up. Wooo!
I decided not to cut the back of the hull....Not yet anyway. Not until I can get my hands on another hull....
I want to keep her ready for stock...I still ahve all my stock parts....JIC

@ Vumad and DB rutherford.......Don't have the money for a 750 or 800....I'm already push $700 on all the mods I bought already..I'm in the dog house




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Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
I'm not a big fan of using clear fuel lines as a pulse line after having one get bittle and crack in less than 18mths...but it will probably be fine. Also if you are going to run that flame arrestor (I wouldnt), get outwears. If you want one that will keep water out alot better a stock 44SBN SJ FA will bolt right up and works incredible. Really clean coffman pipe! Looks nice!

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Stay tuned Aggro I am working on a little 650 sumpin sumpin,its all top secret hush hush type stuff,that is unless it actually works ,in that case it will be plastered all over here lol.


Gen 2 X-2
@ Wedoseadoo....What A Tease!! *curious as a cat now*

@ Shawn NJ...thanks for noticing the pipe...i went and bought some aluminum cleaner a buffer wheel..and terrycloth...and it shined right up in minutes!

Thanks for the advise about the blue fuel lines...didn't know that they get brittle.

Might not use em now.....I can just stick with my black hoses.

and I'm looking for outerwears now...thanks again
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