Great News! My cousin has a machine shop...and he welded a nut onto the remaining part of the stud. then in an interesting display he heated the nut and the surrounding area, proceeded to turn the nut, loosening in a back and forth manner...then he quickly grabbed this spray stuff (forgot what its called) that instantly cools to below freezing tempatures. and the stud twisted right out but snagged at the last part again. but he got it out Yeah!!!!
Whew as for the marring of the surface...he simply filed down the prudruding burrs and told me to just use the high temperature (red) gasket sealer.
Woohoo!! ust when all is lost!
anyway, so I put everything together snug as a bug!
I have a couple of questions though...
Upon putting the motor together..I realized that the 38 mm carb is a pull down throttle (not a pull up throttle).
Do I need to get another carb for my X2?
Or does anyone know how I can make it work?
Should I fabricate a 2inch wheel for the wire to wrap around and tap it onto the lever throttle?
Ideas Greatly appreciated
also (see second pic below)
My carb has few nipples that I'm unsure of what to do...
I know where the main and pilot lines (C and D) go, but I have know idea what to do with (E)... also there is a nipple coming ot of the case (A) that you can't see in the that where the pulse line goes?
and Im lost on smaller nipples (B and F)
can someone please help me?