Stroker and MSD Enhancer?


Looking for some help, is it OK to run a 5 or 6mm Lamey Stroker with an MSD Enhancer? - will the timing curve be OK?

Anything I should consider?


makin' legs

Looking for some help, is it OK to run a 5 or 6mm Lamey Stroker with an MSD Enhancer? - will the timing curve be OK?

Anything I should consider?

The ignition timing curve will be the same as with a stock stroke motor. Be careful with any static advance on pump gas.


Thanks - so your saying leave the stator at '0' degree's and run the Enhancer as is?

Is Total Loss going to gain me much bang for my buck?


For Those About To Rock
The MSD is going to throw in about 4 degrees more advance than the stock Ign. and it will all be in at about 2000 rpm. So at 2000 rpm you will have about 24 degrees advance and then from 2000 rpm to 7000 it will drop back to 20 degrees advance. As a comparison, the stock ign. starts out at 15degrees advance at 1500 rpm and then slowly puts in more advance up to about 6000 rpm wnere it tops out at about 20 degrees total.

With the msd timing curve you will get a better hit on the bottom but the increased advance can also cause some detonation.

Without knowing what your compression ratio is, what the port timing is, what pistons you are using - round top or flat top, its hard to say if this will be a problem.
And then there is the issue of fuel, are you using pump gas or race gas.

A lot of the stroker motors are running programmable ignitions as this lets the builder program the timing curve for what works best for that paticular motor
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