Super Jet stroker motor questions


Swampy Bottom Boyz
Building a stroker motor for my rn. Wanting to use a 6 mil crank and re sleeve my jugs with blowsion 850 sleeves.
My question is about the crank. I see where I can get one from dasa, is this my only option? If not what is the best crank to buy? Also will I need to port cases to run a 6 mil crank?


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at peace
DASA gets their cranks from Crank Works.
There is another shop that XMetal uses for their cranks.
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RMBC Freeride

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Pueblo, CO
Heres a few options:
Crankworks for sure
Competitive crankshafts might be able to build a 6mm for you.
Powerhouse is in the process of building billet stroker cranks, but not sure if they are making a 6mm

You will need to trench the cases to make clearance for the 6mm. Porting would be advisable for best performance as well.

EDIT: Also, at +6mm, most cranks get long rods. But I have seen some with stock length rods.
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