Stupid rangers

You cannot win this in court. I tried, lost. as far as the judge is concerned, your license does not mean anything to them. Your experience does not matter. One of the big things they mentioned when I explained I am a competitor and was practicing and that there was literally Zero Boats on the lake at the time...... Did I have a permit? Did I have paramedics on hand? The answer was No........ In there eyes, it is reckless operation...... If you get injured, there is nobody out there to help you. Go find a cove to ride in where nobody is around, or dont ride when they are sitting at the boat ramp.
The bad part is we have no coves and I have no where else to ride as well we don’t have lakes just ponds is what I call them.


Buy a Superjet
talk to a lawyer? If you can get it thrown out you should be good to go after that? If you get stuck paying it you are going to get more..


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
Sounds like it's worth going to court over for you. The hope is that you get a sympathetic judge. It sounds like the judges are as hit or miss as the water cops. Good luck.

mike b

Michael "Mayhem" Bevacqua aka MikeyChan
Be polite. Let them know you are in THEIR water. (Back of your mind you know it's not theirs but stroke their ego)

Ask them what areas you can ride to prevent tickets. For example I have an agreement with the rangers to stay in the corners and along the buoys to keep away from the couch riders and out of the way. No danger for anybody that way. Although now we have freedom to go wherever as they like us WAY more than uneducated couch riders.

Find out ehat they want you to do. Don't argue, but you should make sure everything is factual and makes sense for both their ease and your safety. I pin every negative on couch riders and help at our local lake. Once again stroke their ego. Try that the next few weeks.

Court will come in a few weeks. Hopefully the rangers and you are on better terms. Talk to the judge, be factual and reasonable and of course respectful. If you and the rangers are not on better terms that's rough. You could argue to the judge they are harassing you or just be factual and hope he sees things your way and not just jump sides with the rangers.

Biggest thing is the rangers. Do whatever needed to have them on your side. I did a trick off the boat wake from the rangers boat last week. I would not think about that at a new lake without approaching the rangers first. Back pocket always! Say hi multiple times, every time you see them.

Ex: At my local lake I pick up trash in the water (especially when rangers looking), obey the law and not put them in a position to have to pull you over, help direct uneducated jet ski Riders when they are breaking rules such as, an hour zone or going the wrong direction or anything unsafe. I tried to help make their job easier not only by me not being a nuisance but also helping them not have to give warnings out to the people making innocent mistakes


walking on water
Be polite. Let them know you are in THEIR water. (Back of your mind you know it's not theirs but stroke their ego)

Ask them what areas you can ride to prevent tickets. For example I have an agreement with the rangers to stay in the corners and along the buoys to keep away from the couch riders and out of the way. No danger for anybody that way. Although now we have freedom to go wherever as they like us WAY more than uneducated couch riders.

Find out ehat they want you to do. Don't argue, but you should make sure everything is factual and makes sense for both their ease and your safety. I pin every negative on couch riders and help at our local lake. Once again stroke their ego. Try that the next few weeks.

Court will come in a few weeks. Hopefully the rangers and you are on better terms. Talk to the judge, be factual and reasonable and of course respectful. If you and the rangers are not on better terms that's rough. You could argue to the judge they are harassing you or just be factual and hope he sees things your way and not just jump sides with the rangers.

Biggest thing is the rangers. Do whatever needed to have them on your side. I did a trick off the boat wake from the rangers boat last week. I would not think about that at a new lake without approaching the rangers first. Back pocket always! Say hi multiple times, every time you see them.

Ex: At my local lake I pick up trash in the water (especially when rangers looking), obey the law and not put them in a position to have to pull you over, help direct uneducated jet ski Riders when they are breaking rules such as, an hour zone or going the wrong direction or anything unsafe. I tried to help make their job easier not only by me not being a nuisance but also helping them not have to give warnings out to the people making innocent mistakes

It is not THEIR

Play dumb and be friendly, then call out everything they don't know in court. The judge will throw it out. He's not on their side or yours.

I went to court over slow no wake ticket, which was total BS(couch riders before me). I got signatures from people on the beach, and even got some to show up in court to counter the Deputy. Long story short the Judge made the Deputy look like an idiot for not knowing the rules. I won.

mike b

Michael "Mayhem" Bevacqua aka MikeyChan
It is not THEIR

You obviously didn't read the sentence following. I said in the back of your mind you know it's not. Stroke their ego. Make them feel like it's their place and they are allowing you on the water. Goes a lot further than arguing with an uppity ranger. A level headed ranger you can talk to, get an agreement made as to where and how to ride thst is legal at the lake. And uppity one you cannot talk to in a factual way, just get on their good side or butt heads.

Arguing in court helps for your ticket that time but it's time out of your day each time you get a ticket. It's not a long term solution to a local lake. Unless you want to fight the harassment case. Might work out. But they will be on you for every little thing you do and you have to ride looking over your shoulder.
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