Custom/Hybrid Suerjet and Waverunner III simularities


Sinking with the bilge on
Milwaukee, WI
I was wondering what are the simularities between the Superjet and the Waverunner III. I really want to know are the intake grates and ride plates the same, along with driveshafts (or the pump to midshaft bearing). I found a cheap Waverunner III to to scam the pump tunnel for a 300sx build, but didn't want to get stuck with putting it in and having no intake grate options or the driveshaft being completely wrong.


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
Every WRIII I've ever worked on had an aluminum pump tunnel that is too long to use in a stand up. The driveshaft is longer, and the pump wear ring is not threaded, so it doesn't fit a SJ without modification. The midshaft is long, but had a 90-93 SN style housing. The motor and pump stator would bolt into and SJ, but not much else will be of use.


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I was wondering what are the simularities between the Superjet and the Waverunner III. I really want to know are the intake grates and ride plates the same, along with driveshafts (or the pump to midshaft bearing). I found a cheap Waverunner III to to scam the pump tunnel for a 300sx build, but didn't want to get stuck with putting it in and having no intake grate options or the driveshaft being completely wrong.

It depends if you are comparing a WR3 650 or a WR3 701 to superjet SN 650 or SN 701 or RN 701.

intake grates- different all models
rideplates- different all models
driveshafts- different all models
midshafts- different all models
pump stator- similiar depending on model- can be adapted
wear ring/impeller housing- similiar depending on model- can be adapted

bearing housing- same for 650s
bearing housing- same for 701s

engine/bedplates- same
ebox- same except power cable and coil wire lengths and different ebox harnesses
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