sunk and destroyed my SN an hour ago


tacoma, wa
well, landyard ziptied or not, that's not gonna stop a stuck throttle. I'm not even sure how you can really stop that from happening? New throttle cable for sure though, I noticed a little kink in it up by the throttle, could have been it, not 100% sure.

I might be driving down to OR today if I can get ahold of the guy and go pick that one up and maybe be in the water in a few days. Such a bummer, oh well. No one was hurt, I still have a running motor and I have my X2, so I can still ride this summer.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
well, landyard ziptied or not, that's not gonna stop a stuck throttle. so? :dunno:
Throttle stuck or not, once the lanyard comes off the switch, then engine dies.

You stop it from happening by using the safety devices on the ski. A properly working and worn lanyard would have 100% prevented this.


tacoma, wa
My lanyard was working properly. It either got hung up in the chinpad or was just at a weird angle. The wrist strap was ripped clean off my hand. I'll be getting something that attaches to my vest for sure. I just wanna make sure it's some sort of strong cable tie or something, nothing neoprene from now on...


makin' legs
My lanyard was working properly. It either got hung up in the chinpad or was just at a weird angle. The wrist strap was ripped clean off my hand. I'll be getting something that attaches to my vest for sure. I just wanna make sure it's some sort of strong cable tie or something, nothing neoprene from now on...

Mine sometimes gets tangled around the the grip or the chinpad when I do a fountain. I use a wrist type also but have the wrist part girth hitched around one of the vest straps. It can't come off and it also adds about a foot of length to the lanyard.
wow you got lucky if that woulda hit a boat you woulda really been screwed why didnt it shut off when rope was pulled?

Did you read the parts (about 3 diff posts) where he says the laynard got caught around the chin pad and tore off his wrist?

well, landyard ziptied or not, that's not gonna stop a stuck throttle. .

Like MattE said: WTF?!?!?!? That's what a lanyard is for. This is worst case scenario where BOTH the throttle and laynard failed at once. If you zip tie your lanyard, you will have this happen 100% of the time you get a throttle stick.

You guys use your lanyards? I used a zip tie on my RN to keep it out. I jsut set the idle low so it will die.

I had a friend who was tinkering with a 550 and he was riding it to test it and the throttle cable was frayed at the end. It got stuck wideopen and he wiped out. The ski took off as the handlebar grip ripped off in his hand. The entire lake has nothing on it no houses no nothing. There is one beach like 50 feet wide on teh whole lake and of course it comes full speed right at the beach. Theres a kid floating in those little tubes that have the bottoms to them so they dont drown. Like the one for infants. It teasr past it by honestly about 3 feet. Hits the shore and launches into some shrubs and trees about 10 feet from shore. Its going wide open in teh bushes while i run over to it cause i was on shore when it happened. Mothers and husbands are screaming at me as my friend comes to shore witht eh grip still in his hand like whoops. Bad scene.

I realize a lot of folks zip-tie (if you haven't caught on by now, I don't) but why would you post about the zip-tie "trick" and your advice of the low idle in THIS post where it is all about the huge damage you can sustain, and worse cause to others, when you don't have a working lanyard?!?!?!? Are you posting this "tip" because you think a low idle setting would stop a ski that has the throttle cable stuck at wide open?????? You even post a personal experience that you should be using to condemn the zip-tie. Once again, WTF?

I zip-tied a clip to my bars, so I have the option of clipping that under the switch and putting my lanyard in my pocket. My plan was to only use it if I was out in the middle of nowhere. I haven't used it in a couple years (was going to say I only use it 1% of the time, but even that would be an exaggeration). I usually switch the lanyard from right to left wrist depending on the trick I want to do. I do realize that sometimes (especially with the lanyard on the right wrist, which is where I wear it for 90% of tricks) it can get caught around the bars and may not work, but at least I'm giving it a chance.

Even if you really don't care about not injuring other people or damaging their property, what is your defense going to be if that happens and you had intentionally removed that piece of safety equipment? I hate to even bring up lawyers since I think your motivation should be doing the right thing and using the legal aspect as the only reason people would do the right thing in the first place simply justifies the existance of those greedy P.O.S drains on society.

:end rant
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I have a 550 & rode for years without a lanyard. Remember that when the 550 was built, lanyards had not been instituted yet. I had been considering installing one for years, but didn't. By VA state law, I am still not required to have one because it wasn't original equipment. That being said, it was pretty embarrasing that after 5-10 minutes riding in Daytona this year, the ski got away from me & I had to be towed to it.

During the swap to the 750 motor this year, I spent alot of time trying to figure out how to get the 550 start/stop to work. Fortunately, I was smart enough to realize that I should also swap over the switch from the SS that I pulled the motor from. I'm glad it did. Also I attach the lanyard directly to my vest now too. With this I can let go, but it wasn't by choice. I was riding a couple of weeks ago & the lanyard broke from my wrist & the ski took off. Not WOT, but it did leave me. I know that I'm preaching to the choir & am not the first to say it but, If you don't have a lanyard, get one & attach it to your vest via wrapping the cord through itself. I do not trust the wrist attachment.

My 2 cents...

BTW, that sux about the ski. I hope you get back on the water soon.


There are times when I use my lanyard, and times when I don't. Times I do are when there's other traffic around for sure. It's never going to get zip tied - I just wrap it around the bars a few times to keep it out of the way when I'm doing tricks that you can't with a lanyard on. People point and laugh - apparently you're not a real jetskier until you've zip tied your lanyard. Well, then I'm not a real jet skier, but I never came anywhere close to endangering anyone else either....

I guess I will never be a real jet skier either. I have and always will use a lanyard. I am not a pro freestyler that does a routine that requires me to leave the boat during a trick. That is the only time I could think of that it might be acceptable to not use the lanyard. Some think its not cool to run that dorky lanyard thing. :bs2:I guess if my boat broke loose at WOT and crashed into one of my friends or a boat full of first graders then I could alway say at my trial, at least I looked cool.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
Ive been drug thru the water by a standup BY the kanyard a few times after it wrapped around the bars.

I havent worn one since.

Maybe I should explore using one clipped to my vest and see if that works better.

I sure do like the convience of simply hitting the button and going though after a fall, expecially in the middle of the lake with crazy boat traffic, I cant balance in the tray, and in big waves its a BITCH to get that clipped back in at times.

but alas, IM not a real jetskier either.

Im just an old dude trying to have some fun.

Takeastand SJ

R.I.P. 8/9/2008
I have been sent over the falls one too many times trying to get the lanyard clip back in the switch. On the rare occasions I ride the river I put the lanyard back on but it isn't worth it in the surf.


Web GuY
Folsom Lake - CA
My gloves have a hook for lanyard to clip on. WAY better than around the wrist. It doesn't get in the way anymore and if the ski took off and the lanyard was wrapped around the bar by accident I think it would rip my glove instead of taking me along for a dangerous and possibly deathly ride.
Phoenix, AZ
What lake did this happen at in WA? You may want to get your ski reg. updated since you are running 2003 reg stickers (although it's a moot point now).

Best of luck getting the ski back on the water.


tacoma, wa
What lake did this happen at in WA? You may want to get your ski reg. updated since you are running 2003 reg stickers (although it's a moot point now).

Best of luck getting the ski back on the water.

Eh, just a local lake, very small, no cops ever. To be honest, I've only had the ski for two weeks, so maybe I'm glad I didn't waste the money.

I did get a hull today, should be an interesting swap, not a perfect hull, but pretty good. I'll be posting a thread for that, looking for help and ideas on anything I should do before the swap since it's down to a bare hull.
Was it said why the throttle stuck open? Frayed or corroded cable, broken return spring, etc.... ? Just curious to see if it's a freak case or something that could of been prevented by an extra step of maintainance or pre ride inspection.

I know a lot of ppl, myself included, bypass the lanyard which has it's benefits and liabilities and should of prevented this but not trying to get into that debate...


Crash Truck Passenger
South Lyon, MI
go high-tech.

RFID tag on your vest, sensor in the ski. set the proximity for about 10ft, if your vest is more than 10ft from the ski, it kills it.

Obviously more to the entire solution than that, i.e. designing a system that's functional in an aquatic environment, etc but very doable from a tech standpoint.


neither of my skis have the option of a lanyard.... Anyway can I get a new on/off assembly with one? Would this be hard to convert to?
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