Other Sunk Ski in Lake Erie...how do we find it...

If you could get a chopper with a huge spotlight and look at dark I think it would be better then looking in the day if the water isn't that clear I don't think u can get your hands on a rig like that. I have been carp shooting and some of the boats they have with all the spotlights on the front can light up the bottom pritty good. And the ones that have the waterproof lights in the water work even better. No reflection form the waves.


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Central Illinois
I was just checking out the area on google maps. If you zoom in closer, just a few 100 yards west of your ride spot, on the other side of the rock wall, is where the skis wash up. :fingersx:
FYI, I spent 2 hours with the local sheriff department and they have one of the best side scanning sonar systems you can buy on their boats, and we drove over where I found the ski several times and didn't even get fuzz. There system also tracks where you have gone, so we did not cover just one spot.

Yea those sonars aren't always as great as people think. I've watched our sheriff's dept search an irrigation pond for a body for 2.5 days with sonar and divers. They finally found him half way through the 3rd day when he bobbed up to the surface lol.

I hope you find this thing man, I couldn't imagine the frustration. I wonder if there is a way to get a map of some sort of the currents since then to possibly give you a better idea as to where it ended up (if it has in fact traveled).


Still nothing :mad:

Spent several hours on the lake yesterday with the sonar hooked up to a waveblaster (thanks jimmy). Didn't work well for the majority of the time because it was too choppy at 1ft chop, as it rocks the ski too much. Needs to be absolutely flat to run this setup to be consistent in order to get good images, which I got closer to sunset.

Marine Wayton is planning on tackling on this task and coordinating scuba missions this weekend I believe.



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Cleveland Ohio
I agree...get that sonar a lil-deeper on the ski or off the side and use the GPS tracking and start going around the outside of where you already went.
Any updates?

Post up your Paypal. As soon as people start sending you money for a new ski that's when you'll find it. Then you'll have to go spend that new ski money on some beer and take a well deserved rest.
this is the worst i sunk my ski but was easy to recover i was over 100ft out from the shore but lucky the lake is only 12ft deep at max my ski was only 6ft from the surface i really hope you find it i feel your pain best of luck


Sadly nothing to report. Lake has not settled enough for me to do more scans with the sonar/ski setup as well as the gunho diver that gauranteed me would find it is blowing me off.......
I can tell just by watching the video theirs no way the ski moved out to deeper water. If anything it was pushed closer into shore before it sank completely. But hearing how it sank extremely fast I bet it just went to the bottom and hasn't moved since. Don't give up on it. Its still there. Have you thought about hovering above said targets and throwing a weight attached to a buoy to mark the spot?

If your fit you should be able to swim down to 25 feet without a tank and see what the targets are.

Any ideas on what your going to do to raise it??? something like this attached to the bow eye should do the trick http://www.ebay.com/itm/300lb-Lift-...876?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a7ae38f4c Just empty out a compressed air tank underneath the bag and it will go.
Hire a commercial diver to dive for it and have them do sweeps thats how we find pipelines in the gulf.. Good luck bro

It gets to the point at what time do it give up and start over.... The ski's prob toast by now. All thats probably good is the hull and some other small parts. It's unfortunate but to invest a large amount of money into it at this point, is a little crazy in my opinion.
It gets to the point at what time do it give up and start over.... The ski's prob toast by now. All thats probably good is the hull and some other small parts. It's unfortunate but to invest a large amount of money into it at this point, is a little crazy in my opinion.

Why it,s underwater, motor isn't rusting, tear down clean and fire it up
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