SUPER COUCH, this is the biggest couch of all time...

Grand Rapids, MI
I don't know what's "custom" about this one, but I saw one of those at a local dealership once. I'm sure it was made at the Seadoo factory, just like the rest of them.


Flat water follies
Phoenix, AZ
That thing would sell im minutes here in Phoenix. I cant count the number of three seaters Ive seen on the lake packed with entire Mexican familys of four or five

What a joke. The LRV wasnt even 10k new. And its not a legal 7 seater. Only four or maybe it was five. This guy is :439: Oh....and only used a few times but it has 147 hours on it. Hahahah.... I can see why there is a divorce happening.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
very fast at consuming fuel...

a coworker of mine years ago, traded a nice pontoon boat for one of those...

after the second outing, he could no longer justify running it... by HIMSELF....

its a boat with handlebars...


Race Gas Rules
Clearwater Fl.
I even hot rodded a brand new pair for one of my customers!
Porting, bigbore 91mm CR 500 pistons (over 1000cc) Milled stock heads, ignition upgrades,
Coffman pipes, w/ water injection, modified rotary valve timing and can't remember what else... They went like 62 mph on a 50/50 race gas mix.
One of them drove me crazy try to get it to run right...Turned out to be a bad throttle position sensor on the throttle cable!!!! This screwed the timing curve up and wouldn't get but 6000 rpms up top, compared to 7100!

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I even hot rodded a brand new pair for one of my customers!
Porting, bigbore 91mm CR 500 pistons (over 1000cc) Milled stock heads, ignition upgrades,
Coffman pipes, w/ water injection, modified rotary valve timing and can't remember what else... They went like 62 mph on a 50/50 race gas mix.
One of them drove me crazy try to get it to run right...Turned out to be a bad throttle position sensor on the throttle cable!!!! This screwed the timing curve up and wouldn't get but 6000 rpms up top, compared to 7100!

Hmmmmmmm modified rotary valve timing on a 951 do tell?:twak:


Boats and Hoes
a challenger appears!
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