Super jet gas leaking from my handle pole wtf?

Hey im clueless yes.
But I have a 99 super jet that died on the water and wouldn't start again. I got it to turn the engine over to run the water out but that took priming it with gas. It seems like itbwas getting gas ( i could smell it thought it was flooding but no) so i changed the plugs out assumed it wasn't getting spark maybe . But no still not starting on its own and then I noticed gas dripping from the handle pole ? Wtf? So I followed the gas line up the pole and it appeared to go to nothing? I tore off mt pole and have it half apart and found a idk plastic bulb for lack of a better term .

Is that what this gas line goes to? And is tbat causing my problem?

Help , im a chick that doesn't really turn a wrench so im kind of just clueless
Can someone give me a clue please?
Thanks so much ✌
Sounds like you had a bulb type primer installed in the handlepole, the bulb broke and is now leaking gas. If you don't want the bulb primer, pull the gas line out of the pole, back through the hull and cap it off where it feeds from the main gas line. You should find it tapped into the main line with a brass tee. If you want to eliminate it completely you can replace the tee with a coupler similar to this . You can also just replace that fuel line with a new solid piece from the tank to the carb.

If it was mine, I'd relocated the primer to a better spot, like the original choke or fuel shutoff mounts on the dash. I also like the Wax Racing Watt Hole with bulb primer. Clean and nothing sticking out to bash your knee into.
Ok, that all makes sense. It was surprising as I had no clue that was mounted in the handle pole . About 4 yrs ago I had to replace the handle pole because I ripped it off riding surf and I dont remember it being in thete although I had help putting the new one on .

So when I followed the line it was not connected to anything the bulk looks to be fine no cracks or nothing and I was jumping behind a good size boat when it just shut off when I landed . I might see if reconnecting it and securing it works .if not I'll jump on your suggestions . Fingers crossed I can even put this all back together . I was thinking while I had it apart I'd try to get this new bigger spring in there too.
Wish me luck. Thanks so much for the fast response. Im heading outside now ✌
Highly doubt that that Bulb has anything to do with Fuel Priming.

It is most likely a Vent Bulb, #25 in the Diagram.

View attachment 416100

What is likely causing the Fuel to spill out of this Vent Bulb inside the Handlepole is a bad Tank Check Valve, #16 is leaking and allowing Fuel to escape the Tank.

This Tank Vent System is designed to allow Air into the Fuel Tank only and nothing out. The Fuel Tank Check Valve has an Arrow that must point towards the Tank.

Part #19 is a Water Trap designed to remove Water from the incoming Air before it gets to the Check Valve and Tank. If there is Water in it, you can Drain it by unscrewing the Bottom Drain Cap.

The reason for allowing Air into the Tank is to break the Vacuum caused as Fuel is drawn down in the Tank. If the vacuum is not broken, the Carbs will starve for Fuel, usually around Half -Tank or less, and, in the extreme case, the Tank can deform and collapse. But normally what happens is that the Vacuum makes it harder for the Carbs to draw Fuel and the Engine will run Lean, and Shut-Down in some Cases.

Install a New Tank Check Valve in the correct Orientation. Arrow points to Tank.
Oh my gosh thank you !
O look everywhere to find a diagram like that and could .that helps! I will walk through it and see what I got going on here. But at some point I felt like that wasn't working right but didn't really know its purpose so didn't know if it was working properly or not . That may be my issue and im assuming that the vent bulb also needs to be reconnected too as it wasn't when I found it . But I really think the other part is bad too .
Appreciate the information . I think I got this now .
Girl just needs to get out and ride bad.
Look at part number 19, the water separator. If you look at that and see fuel in there which by your description you most likely will, that will suggest either your one way (aka check) valve (part #16) is on backwards and/or defective letting any fuel sloshing around out. The fuel will travel over to that separator bowl and fill it. Get something like a margarine container and unscrew the drain to catch the contents. It sounds like it's going to be full of fuel. If it is, you need to replace that one way valve and make sure the arrow on it points toward the tank.
Ok guys I give up. I've done all thats been advised, I ordered new parts. I put in a new check valuve ive changed the filter out and the what is it a separator thing I have a new battery and plugs, and it still won't turn over it trys to it seems so close to starting but won't. Again im very clueless I dont turn a wrench im a girl with construction tools and saws I can build you anything but have zero knowledge in auto repair.
It still seems to me that its not getting gas? After I tried starting it I pulled a plug to see if it looked like there was and fuel in there and it looks dry to me but again im clueless.
So I checked all my lines they seem ok too.
So do I need to prime this thing maybe after having it all apart? And if so , how do I do that ? Where do I do that ? Help please.

What gets me is I dragged it to the boat shop asked for them to go through it and take care of any maintenance and upkeep needed basically overhaul it if necessary as it wouldn't start when I dropped it off there . I tried to pay to have it fixed and checked over and after spending the money got to ride for 30 min before it left me sitting in the middle of the lake and looking for a tow in.
Im very disapointed and frustrated.
Just like my dirt bike , paid 700$ to have it worked on it started twice and now it won't start again either.

Life has thrown some messed up crap my way and im trying hard to do things on my own and mostly I do but to no prevail have I got this nor can I seem to pay someone to fix it for me.
I know it seems petty to complain my toys won't work when there are so many suffering more important things in life , but these are my life and I desperately am trying to piece it back together here.
I just want my life back man. And this sucks.
Is there anyone close or around the Dallas area that is willing to help me out here?


Rockin' the SQUARE!!!!
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Granbury, TX
@Danna, if you are in Dallas, there's a huge stand up rider presence in the metroplex. I know one of us would be willing to help you out. I'd volunteer but I'm almost 2 hours away. Check out the "North TX Standup Jetski Riders" group on Facebook, plenty of people on that page that are local to you and would be willing to help out. We'll get you squared away.
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