Super Jet No Spark..No Clue

I found this..
Another interesting point is the "sparks when you let off the start button" syndrome. This always means one of two things......the cdi is bad, or the pulser coil is bad, or the wire from it to the e box is open.
MSD enhancer and coil are brand new. Is pulser referring to stator?
Pulsar coil/Pickup sensor. The little magnet that sends a signal when to fire the spark.

When I was getting no spark. The pulsar coil was full of metal shavings from the starter bendix breaking apart.
You could try using an analog multimeter set to AC and see if the pulsar coil is giving you a pulsing voltage I think around 4-5 volt. I only had a digital and set it to lock onto the max voltage. Mine only reads 0.2 V when cranking (i think the digital multimeter is not quick enough to catch the voltage). Also the ohms between the 2 wires was in the 500 ohms range.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
You could try using an analog multimeter set to AC and see if the pulsar coil is giving you a pulsing voltage I think around 4-5 volt. I only had a digital and set it to lock onto the max voltage. Mine only reads 0.2 V when cranking (i think the digital multimeter is not quick enough to catch the voltage). Also the ohms between the 2 wires was in the 500 ohms range.
You can do the same test on the source coil , you are looking for around 35VAC
It was an uncracked stock ebox, i installed enhancer to squeeze more power, it never sparked so I reverted back to oem cdi and rode just fine until end of last summer. It completely stopped running under power. I received a replacement enhancer from msd and swapped cdi. No spark. Pulled stock coil and replaced with msd coil, still no spark except after letting go of start button.
Took resistance readings from brown and white wires on stator, only brown gave a reading. I ordered a replacement from jetmaniac. Plan to take on replacement job next weekend. Thanks for the ping.
Mission accomplished. The bendix gear indeed broke apart and threw shavings which most likely covered the stator magnet. I pulled the flywheel and replaced the stator and bendix gear. The maniac shipped me the parts. I took the liberty of advancing the timing a couple of degrees. Cranked right up. Arm ripper. Thank you for all of the guidance. Squeeze as much as you can out of the warm fall weather and bring spring. Thanks again.
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