Superfreak Circus and Blowsion HD Steering Cable

Hey All,

I am attempting to install a Superjet Blowsion HD steering cable with the 6mm ends into my Superfreak circus. I am having some problems getting it into the pump side and shove it through to my pole.

The HD cable side by side to my standard 5mm SBT cable is thicker at the crimp ends. It doesn't want to go into my steering cable tube from the pump side. Has anyone ran into this type of issue before? Checking with others before I start drilling things I shouldn't be drilling. :oops:
I'm dumb and was trying to install the cable backwards.

If anyone has this issue, simply try inserting the other end of the cable in first. That being said, I really love the HD steering cable. It's beefy and has a very smooth throw to it. Would purchase again.
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