Superjet Bolts/Fasteners Charts


Creative RE Purchasing
Handle bar clamps:

followup - I picked these up locally at a fastener supplier. They are 8mm, 1.25 pitch, 20mm length. I paid about 80 cents each. Good deal compared to blowsion ($6.50 + $8 shipping) and umi (more than blowsion).

The two of the Ace Hardware's I checked didn't have them. Mcmasters also sells them (inexpensive) in packs of 25 for SS grade A2 and packs of 10 for the higher grade A4. Not sure about shipping from them though.


Creative RE Purchasing

I can't seem to figure how to be a collaborator on the google spreadsheet. I don't think either link is the true collaborator access page.

Help me out... I use that thing and would like to add a couple things to it.


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
During my searching, I noticed a problem... I wanted to make note that all references to M10 x 1.25 bolts were being displayed on Mcmaster-carr as M10 x 1.5 bolts. I almost placed an order and then caught this at the last minute.


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
Its not letting me edit the sheet.
nor can we post in the tech FAQ thread.. soo

Superjet Rideplate Bolt
  • M8 Threads 8 X 1.25 for Round Nose ski's, Qty 4. McMaster 93395A407
  • 6 X 1.00 for Square Nose ski's Qty 6
Old thread, but struggling to find the bolt size for the bolt that controls the adjustment between the 38mm carbs. I have asked before, but I have lost it. Was hoping it was on here.

Let me know,

not sure ill get a response on such an old thread, but i just bought those waveblaster head bolts from mcmaster. they havent come in yet, but i was talking to a machinist at my work about it. he was surprised that mcmaster would have a bolt that could be used as a head bolt since he didnt think they would have "12-9" strength bolts. he told me the places to get them are arp or summit but they were 5 bucks a peice. im wondering if anybody can confirm that these bolts are strong enough for this application. he showed me from a magazine that the 18-8 bolts (mcmaster) are 70,000 psi, and the 12-9 bolts were 170,000 psi.

just looking for confirmation that the mcmaster bolts are fine. thanks


salty nuts
coastal GA
Link is broke :(
Sorry, the file you have requested does not exist.

Make sure that you have the correct URL and the file exists.

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Is the coupler cover to cases bolt the two bolts that hold the driveshaft coupler to the back of the motor?
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