I mean to put in some footholds, reinforce, shorten the pole, etc. etc. etc!

i see. yes i am in desperate need of foot holds. i tried a sub today for the first time with out them and now my left ass cheek is purple. i was going to post in carnage but i thought that might get me suspended...:bananapowerslide: by the way what are the best holds for the price? is it that hard to make my own?
Alot of people have made their own and don't get me wrong, I'm all for innovation and making your own stuff, but when it comes to footholds, that's something you really want to good fit.

If you're up for a little bit of a challenge, waterdawg kustoms make "REVS" for around 50 bucks.
Alot of people have made their own and don't get me wrong, I'm all for innovation and making your own stuff, but when it comes to footholds, that's something you really want to good fit.

If you're up for a little bit of a challenge, waterdawg kustoms make "REVS" for around 50 bucks.

ok i may try that at the end of the season. what about tom 21's?
Tom's holds with the room for the 25mm underpad will be my next hold. Those things look super comfy and sooo sick of having bruises and cuts on the tops of my feet. Not a bad price either.
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