Super Jet Superjet motor mounts

where do you get couch mounts and i was debating between cold fusion or 701 industries

Couch mounts are a cheaper option than the aftermarket urethane models but supposedly give great results. I'm installing a set in my ski now so no first hand experience yet but they came highly recommended.

Contact jetmaniac he'll hook you up with whatever you need.
where do you get couch mounts and i was debating between cold fusion or 701 industries

Can't go wrong with any of those. The couch mounts are pretty beefy compared to stock SJ mounts. I think I bought mine from skibonez here on the X. He had a bunch. I wanna say I paid 35 or 40 bucks shipped. He threw in a bunch of shims as well... although I didn't need any. Couplers lined right up.

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All the sudden the extra money spend for the aftermarket mounts are worth it when you break Standard or couch mount.

I dont' know what your doing and how you ride. IF your ridding on the lake just having fun, couch mounts will be more than adequate. If your learning rolls and flips in the surf... A/M all the way.
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