SuperJet starting issue


My 13 year old is riding his first season, absolutely loving it and we ran into a starting issue.
The machine is a 1999 SJ round nose I’ve owned since new. Put a new engine in it about 2010 and it has only had about 10 hours on it since.

SJ was in use about 2 weeks ago and ran great and without issue.
Started getting hard to start and I thought it was the battery. Problem got worse quickly.
Charged the battery and no dif.
Starter always engages so the electrical system seems to be doing the right thing.
SJ makes a wheezing noise that is a new noise.
Took the battery out and connected to running SUV, same wheezing noise.
Take the plugs out and it turns over quickly & easily as it should.
I can spin the shaft easily by hand with plugs out.
Plugs back in and same noise.
Each time I hit the start button the shaft moves a bit and if you hit it many times, it eventually it starts.
Once running it seems fine and sounds fine.
I thought maybe the starter was weak so I bought a new starter from Riva and installed.
Inspected the reeds while the engine was out and they seem fine. New plugs and new fuel at the same time.
Put it all back together, same thing! A wheezing noise that sounds like there is too much is over my head. We did get it running in the driveway while hooked to the garden hose and we inspected for exhaust or intake leaks but could not find anything.(not saying they don’t exist)

Stand ups aren’t even sold in Canada any longer so the local dealer looked at me with a glazed look. I don’t have confidence to send it there....

Any help is GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! I just to get my son back on the lake:)

not sure what you mean by wheezing noise and that the shaft moves a little bit ...but when the bendix doesnt throw out it makes what could be described as a wheezing noise. but when that happens it doesnt turn motor over. basically you just hear the starter spin. not sure if that fits what your describing

bendix problems do often get bad quickly. (happens more often)
Thx for your reply.
The starter is engaging every time you hit the start button so it’s not just the starter spinning. The drive shaft turns a bit. You can see the drive shaft coupler tighten up and the drive shaft turns part of a revolution.
The wheezing noise sounds like a compression noise. It’s hard to describe....
I’m at a loss.
That's crazy, when there's no load on it when plugs are out it's undetectable, then when the plugs are in and it's under the load of compression it's freespinning like a bearing was spun or worn out, possible bad Bendix? Have you looked behind the f.w. cover?

Is your midshaft in good condition?


Get Wet
Galloway, nj
I would pull the front cover off and check the bendix. Take out the plugs. Get some close line style rope. shove some in a cylinder. Rotate the engine so it locks up the engine. Rotate it the direction of the flywheel bolt coming off. Remove bolt. It has 50lbs on it so you have to give some muscle. Then get the puller in there to pop off the flywheel. Once the flywheel is off you can pull out the bendix. Watch for the key way to drop along with washer and spring that hopefully stayed in the front cover. There’s also a larger washer on backside of the bendix. It usually stays on it though.
IMG_3962 2.jpg
It looks like the leading edge of the gear on the bendex has been ground off. I assume this is the full problem and that it would engage and spin the engine with the plugs out and would partially turn the engine with plugs in.....

Would you just replace the Bendex or the flywheel as well? Without pulling the flywheel, it looks like the flywheel is not damaged and that all the wear went to the gear on the Bendex.

I have a flywheel puller, perhaps I should pull it.
View attachment 359602
It looks like the leading edge of the gear on the bendex has been ground off. I assume this is the full problem and that it would engage and spin the engine with the plugs out and would partially turn the engine with plugs in.....

Would you just replace the Bendex or the flywheel as well? Without pulling the flywheel, it looks like the flywheel is not damaged and that all the wear went to the gear on the Bendex.

I have a flywheel puller, perhaps I should pull it.

I can't see the wear, the bendix gear is cut on a 45 to help it engage. That's a cheap aftermarket bendix it appears. Ya pull the flywheel and inspect, check your cover and case bushings, can have some up and down movement but not a lot. Jetmaniac has clean and inspected/lubbed OE used bendixes and new bushings if needed.. also has flywheels & gaskets. note: flywheel gear teeth are Bevil cut like the bendix to help engaugent. Oh only screw the puller bolts in part way so they don't catch the stator coils. You prolly already know this just thought to mention in case.
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I was hoping the Bendex was the smoking gun....but if it is cut on a 45 already then it is in good shape. (that makes sense for engagement)
When I bought the new engine in 2010 from Riva, it did not come with the flywheel assembly. I don't recall putting a new Bendex in at that time and I thought it was the original. The flywheel is definitely OE. Bendex could be aftermarket. My memory is shot due to rum.
I'll take your word on it being aftermarket as you are more knowledgeable.
The bolt holding the flywheel in was really loose probably from crappy assembly by me years ago. My nine year old daughter could have wrenched the bolt out literally. Additionally, one spot on the flywheel looks like full engagement wasn't happening.
In any event, if the Bendex or flywheel is most likely the issue, I will order both from Jetmaniac.IMG_3973.jpg
Yes replace both.. he has clean used OE, I'd use his clean OE used .. over a new aftermarket.. my aftermarket did like yours when it failed, btw I use his clean Used OE
I ordered a used OE bendex & flywheel from Jetmaniac (I haven’t used them before) and they had the parts to me in 2 days.
The parts look great, I had them installed in an evening and the SJ started immediately and is now back in the water.
Thx to all that helped and a big thx to Harbor for suggesting Jetmaniac and talking me through it.
My 13 year old is thrilled to be back on the water!

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