Superjet surf build

Hi guy, thought I would share my superjet surf build as I go along

FD698BC6-BB96-43EC-BBCF-D888FC89D784.jpeg6CBED60A-97D8-400A-8B89-8BABBDE8B3BD.jpegAs you can see the hull has had a bad paint job in the past a lot of flaking and chips E71E4CC2-C8AF-4171-9122-648C617F78AD.jpegold turf removed and now to take the footholds out. I have decided to go wider on the tray. 68DA5F14-623F-4D20-ACA8-7B0C6FC86DE3.jpegThat was untill I seen the pipereally dont want to glass over the pipe so I have now lowered it Instead of glassing over the top 5B243718-9B40-4BEC-A8D0-54BD7A125901.jpeg5A71B654-F513-48B2-906D-E30F78020E62.jpegAE24F7BE-0855-4724-B69D-10181FB75EE3.jpeg267DC3B3-FFE7-475F-B5EE-0BBB035484C6.jpegjust about ready to start fiberglass. Back in a couple day with more updates
Couple more updates for use guys, managed to get the tray glassed up along with lots and lots and lots of sanding829BCEFF-835E-4C59-BBA6-E5592CBF760D.jpeg239C4E25-A848-41D2-8E8C-0C6C017B4606.jpeg83DA64FE-FFEC-4A41-9681-BFAC17637087.jpeg69F00B86-6DC8-419C-A45F-8DA62D2DA3F2.jpeg1DF46DA9-FE46-4F1A-90B5-9B8746DBD5F1.jpeg forgotten to get photos of the glass work What seemed like a never ending task to get it how I wanted it ready for painting we eventually got there many hours later!!! I also used some fibreglass filler on the bottom of the hull to get some of the really deep marks which were-on there73177530-C1F7-4964-9B44-C3F2B3CD9150.jpeg

FB389E94-D170-4C2E-8B40-24CEA0624BF6.jpeg Now time to clean and paint the engine bay
83AE409F-0008-4411-93D6-18BB1A099199.jpegC327F781-141E-46D3-88E8-DAFE3D56E9F9.jpeg And now to price and paint the outside


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And now to paint the outside
And now for the top 015A9AA8-6B32-4A79-9F47-C35A804C6307.jpegAF5E6B00-407D-44A5-8812-A4417C58C870.jpeg and now onto the turf still not completely finish but what a paint in the ass it is!!3AD9122F-F4E9-4836-900D-F913BAB3974A.jpegalso cut the rear lip of the hull4DD4A95F-3B8C-4590-BC0B-D4C6BCBF9F3D.jpeg getting there slowly but surely turf will be finished tomorrow still need to mount the footholds but will wait untill I get the pole back on toset them up properly. Next I’ll be installing bow eye, pissers, bile outlets, hood latch and blowsion exhaust plate and fuel cap Still waiting on watt holes to arrive. Then it will be onto the punmp intake and ride plate. Any comments or though I’ll be glad to hear them. Ps go easy on the spray job was my first time.
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