Interesting info about the vacuum pump
@Vumad . I'm making some repairs that would benefit from vacuum bagging. Is there a link that lists suggested supplies for a entry level guy like myself? I'm willing to make the investment in order to have an improvement in my results vs wet lay up.
That info actually came from nate. I dont deserve any credit for it.
I started my bagging with a shop vac and storage bags but the frequency of bad bags was way too high. Its a shame because $5 for 3 bags was an awesome way to start if they worked consintently.
The bags were the same as a wet layup, except i put layer of feel ply then a layer of breather fabric. Stuck it into the abg, sucked it down with the shop vac. This worked very well when the bag actually held a vacuum, but 2/3 of the bags leaked.
I just bought a vacuum and need to get some disposables. I cant recommend the methodni was using because you just cant trust the bag. It doesnt just result in a heavier part. It often als destroys the layup. IT crushes it, but then lets the pressure of and it pulls tons of air into the part as it relaxes.
Ecit: oh yeah, you need to change up your layup schedule for bagging. It makes the part about half the thickness and is less rigid. But double the cloth and bag it and it will be close in thickness but much stronger.