***Surf Slut Benefit Payout***


Shootin' The Crap
Money sent for Yamaslut.

I actually sponsored Nick, GDFL, and Pancake Pete.

As you know, Pete couldn't make it.

GDFL didn't ride from what I know.


Nick, I left you a message back a few days ago about hooking up on this and that stuff for under the turf. Realize you haven't felt well either, but gimme a call to see if we can't get this handled this weekend...I will be slammed again beginning Monday.


updated list and done collecting donations...

added suziq's 200$ to the tally.

I will add everything up this week and send the check out. I will let everyone know the final number when I'm done...
Hey Gang,

Joe's mom just sent me a wonderful letter thanking all of you for the amazing donaitons. She received a total of $2,702.00 which is going towards Joe's rehabilitation and is absolutely awestruck by all of your love and care for Joe.

I'm sorry I've been remiss in updating you on Joe. He's done a lot of moving around to various rehab programs and is now back in Northern California near me. He starts another rehab program next week, and we're hopeful he'll continue to improve as well as he has in past month.

I still have the amazing custom painted handlepole Daylite Ramsey created to be auctioned for Joe's benefit. We were going to auction this at the April fundraiser in pismo, but since that was put on hold, please mark your calendars for the weekend after World Finals in October...I'm working on somthing really special and I hope you can all join us in paying tribute to Joe's contribution to our sport, and giving back a little of the love he's always given us.



PS: I cannot release any other info until permits are finalized, so please don't start going off about details - thanks ;)


Hey Gang,

Joe's mom just sent me a wonderful letter thanking all of you for the amazing donaitons. She received a total of $2,702.00 which is going towards Joe's rehabilitation and is absolutely awestruck by all of your love and care for Joe.

I'm sorry I've been remiss in updating you on Joe. He's done a lot of moving around to various rehab programs and is now back in Northern California near me. He starts another rehab program next week, and we're hopeful he'll continue to improve as well as he has in past month.

I still have the amazing custom painted handlepole Daylite Ramsey created to be auctioned for Joe's benefit. We were going to auction this at the April fundraiser in pismo, but since that was put on hold, please mark your calendars for the weekend after World Finals in October...I'm working on somthing really special and I hope you can all join us in paying tribute to Joe's contribution to our sport, and giving back a little of the love he's always given us.



PS: I cannot release any other info until permits are finalized, so please don't start going off about details - thanks ;)

I'm just happy would could help in some way... Joe deserves it!!!!!!!!!!:biggthumpup:


amen! hey, did "we" ever put a small vid together of the jk flip off?

that was one of the funnest riding days ever for me.. i'd love to see a small vid..... chris........ ;-)

he got tons of coverage... he said it will be part of the next freeride vid..

a teaser would be kinda cool though...


we were mad men on a mission that day. it was brutal!

i loved it!

it was cool to see everyone bustin flips and backies for JK... tear-jerker for sure.

cherries were popped, backies were flopped, poserage was stopped!!

there was something in the air.... you ********ers went balistic


The Best Sports Fan

A good friend you are
A good friend you'll always be
Loved by all

Never doubt your worth
Never doubt your path
Life's funny curves can
Frustrate even the best sports fan

Cherish every day
And never forget your dreams
For sometimes you may believe
You'll make your destiny

So have faith in all you do
And patience when things go astray
You'll find your place again soon
Only to have it taken away

There's always another place on the horizon
You've yet to see or be

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