Surfriding many of us are there..


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Just talked to Zack. Apparently theres a Coast Guard volunteer with little man syndrome just itching to make a call to the popo. I guess he's only there on Sundays. So be warned, if you plan on riding Oside on a Sunday be sure and have EVERYTHING (registration, fire ext, whistle) in order

I thought you guys already knew that.....the whole jet ski confiscating thing?
If I was you, I would always run with all the Gear.
That douchebag seems like the sneaky is Sunday....tomorrow Saturday.
Then He'll be gone for a month and come back with a vengeance.
NOT worth it IMO......SCREW the state and their fund collecting agency fines!

Honestly, I'd carry a fire extinguisher if it were convenient and easy to do though I do find it purposeless. They know it's purposeless, they are just trying to hassle people. I really don't see why people see a need to f@ck with other peoples lives for no reason.

I remember last time a guy got a ticket down there, he appealed it and the judge threw it out saying it was a waste of time.
"Fire Extinguisher: One Type B-I Coast Guard-approved fire extinguisher must be carried when no fixed fire extinguishing system is installed in machinery spaces. Extinguishers are not required for outboard motorboats less than 26 feet in length and of open construction. No portable extinguishers are required if an approved, fixed fire extinguishing system is installed in machinery spaces. "

Im just going to put a Red Toggle switch on my ski, then run red lines (2) from the front of my ski (behind gas tank) and say that its a foam fire extinguishing system. Theres really no way they can check it out unless, A) they disassemble the ski B) they try to see if it works which would be stupid.

"Fire Extinguisher: One Type B-I Coast Guard-approved fire extinguisher must be carried when no fixed fire extinguishing system is installed in machinery spaces. Extinguishers are not required for outboard motorboats less than 26 feet in length and of open construction. No portable extinguishers are required if an approved, fixed fire extinguishing system is installed in machinery spaces. "

Im just going to put a Red Toggle switch on my ski, then run red lines (2) from the front of my ski (behind gas tank) and say that its a foam fire extinguishing system. Theres really no way they can check it out unless, A) they disassemble the ski B) they try to see if it works which would be stupid.


A set up like that might actually work if the ski caught fire. Not like an extinguisher under the hood which would be so safe and easy to access...
You can also add some BS in there if they asked you why you went through all the trouble. You can say, if your ski took on too much water and started to sink, you can activate the foam which would create more flotation. Though in actuality it wouldn't work. It sounds like it would make sense.

I think it's better than sitting there with a puzzled look on your face saying, yeah, no we don't have any fire extinguishers. Im doing it for sure. This is going to be fun.

Get a label maker and put "Active Foam" and a red toggle switch from auto zone. Ill put it where I have my bilge switch.

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Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
I thought you guys already knew that.....the whole jet ski confiscating thing?
If I was you, I would always run with all the Gear.
That douchebag seems like the sneaky is Sunday....tomorrow Saturday.
Then He'll be gone for a month and come back with a vengeance.
NOT worth it IMO......SCREW the state and their fund collecting agency fines!


I wasn't there Benny Just passing along the info. This was the same douche that was instrumental in having Zack and Stanton's skis confiscated. They learned their lesson the hard way on that one, But in Zacks defense this time was different. Zack has been riding a borrowed BOB to prepare for an upcoming contest in Brazil. The BOB has registration and CF numbers. On this particular ride, Zack said when he was returning to the harbor he was plowing through the no wake zone (standing up but riding at a speed under the no wake limit) When Dudley do right Coast Guard volunteer saw a dude standing in the no wake zone he called the Harbor Patrol. Riding like this is legal but of course when the popo showed they have to do something to justify their trip down so a full inspection ensued and tickets were written.

The point is they are watching us like a hawk so anyone who chooses to ride Oside, should take extra precautions to be legit, especially on a Sunday when the Coast Guard are there.

On a side note, If I were Zack I would file a harassment complaint against the CG Volunteer. Usually a volunteer who has a complaint on his file before he becomes a full time officer will have no chance of getting hired. Do we really need a Dbag like that out there with authority? BTW Isn't it the Coast Guards job to be out looking for Drug Smugglers, not harassing recreational boaters?
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The Coast Guard told Brett, Jake, and myself make your poop look legit and there won't be any problems. They said, "Don't give us an excuse to stop you". We got stopped because Brett never had numbers on his ski.

In this instance, there was nothing that Zack could have done to not draw attention to himself.

Writing letters, or having a couple well written letters wouldn't be a bad idea.
OC MARYLAND...SAME WAY!!!...DOUCHES just sit and wait for us.........

Uh, WTH you talking about?

I've never had issues nor half the folks we ride with down there. OC MP are chill if you don't draw attention to yourself.

Oh wait, forgot who I was talking to... :stups:

We hada jerkoff marine cop in our inlet ride zone that use to screw with us all the time over really stupid stuff, he would make everyone follow him back into the inlet and write tickets to everyone in the group sometimes 10 at a time for being to close to shore,even if he no idea if we really were or not.This is down on a emty military base with no one on shore.
I finally got guys in our group to start using a really good lawyer I use who beat him in court enough times he got the judge to make the cop prove how close each person was to shore to ticket us,then we called and complained a few times to his captain.Eventually more complained about other bs he was doing and he got transferred outa there......

Complain and write letters and something will get done eventually...if you roll over for bs it will go on forever.the fire ext thing is so gay in a standup,no way this should be law and a lawyer will beat it everytime. I cant believe there isnt more surfriders in cali,the surf there is amazing and the weather is great,theres crazy amount of surfers there.


Tasty Human
Summit Lake, WA
I'm thinking I'll tee off my cooling lines and go up to a primer mounted on the dash, then out to a spray nozzle. Then when I get hassled, I'll just pump the primer and tell them it's my "on-board fire suppression system".

Not that my idea was fool proof. But I hardly consider something with the displacement of a children's squirt gun a"fixed fire extinguishing system"
so where is the largest group of surfriders,how big is your group in your area? We have had about 20 wavejunkies in our group riding in Va beach.


Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
Sorry to get off topic, like I said we have about 20 in our group also (Regular Oceanside surf riders). I believe the Pismo/Central CA crew is bigger than ours. Maybe someone will chime in from up there.
ha ha im in that group of 20 in oside and i got the ticket i feel so popular. yes the entire fire extinguisher this is stupid but for the situation one ski could have been impounded and christian young could have been in a lot more trouble since he is 15 and your supposed to be 16 to drive a jetski in california. i would totally fight this ticket but it would actually cost me more money to fight it because i have to drive all the way down to oside spend the day in court and take time off work. just not worth it for me.
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