sx 650 crank case block off help


UK X-H20
UK West midlands
Hi i want to remove the crank case drain on my sx 650 before it fails , my question is , with the exhaust off can it be blocked off with out removing the motor ??

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UK X-H20
UK West midlands
It's a tight fit, but you can do it. Just be careful not to drop the o-rings.

cheers , when i looked it seamed close, might even loosen the engine mounts that side to gain some hight, the o rings are the bits that worry me lol. im blocking the oil pump off to , so as to move to pre mix, im thinking 50-1 mix ??



UK X-H20
UK West midlands
If its the same as a 750 I just tapped for pipe plugs no kit required.


i have what apears to be a choke cable on the exhaust side that you pull to let the crap out the case, i cant see the bottom part as to see what to block off , guess i will soon though



Katie's Boss
100% one place
Yes it sounds the same, I think I tapped the holes for a 1/8" NPT pipe plug it's been a very long time since I have messed with a Kawi motor. It only took a few minutes to do.



UK X-H20
UK West midlands
Yes it sounds the same, I think I tapped the holes for a 1/8" NPT pipe plug it's been a very long time since I have messed with a Kawi motor. It only took a few minutes to do.


worst part is ive had all the pipe off this week to do the mod to dry the pipe out a little :banghead: got to take it all back off now



Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
I have seen this done three different ways.

1) Drill and tap the holes for 1/8" NPT as mark had stated and use pipe plugs.

2) Block off plate that used a gasket

3) Block off plate that used two o-rings

I guess it all depends on which type of block off plate you get sent. If it is o-rings, you can put a dab of grease or silacone to hold them in place.

You will have to have the exhaust pipe off. If you are changing out your exhaust manifold, you will be able to see more too if it is off the engine. It will also help if the starter is off too. Go through the hole in the bed plate and under the bed plate. You will have a straight shot then. Also by having the starter off there you can see what you are doing. Not that hard of a job if you ask me.


- SuperJet Thursday -
Yes it can be done, I did it a few years ago with the motor in place. I think I even had the manifold stil on the motor. I didn't use a kit or a plug. The valve is in two parts. After it is removed you will see. One half of the valve will have a flat surface on one side. If you flip the flat portion around to face the case, you can put a thick piece of fuel/oil resistant gasket material in betweeen it and the cases (cut out holes for the screws to pass through). Torque it down good with some blue locktite and it has held fine. The kit would be an easier option though.
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