Ok, here are a few pics of my setup for a PM requesting it.
8532 is bottom left in the pump cavity showing the steering cable, the blocked off fitting, and the empty siphon bilge fitting on the pump. It also shows the spring for the trim return.
8533 shows the aft pointing water fitting and the 5/8" waterline looping up and around to enter the top fitting through the hull. The black hose coming out of the middle through-hull fitting is the trim cable within a protective black hose.
8534 is the same thing, just back away and you can see the notched out section on the steering nozzle for the up trim.
8535 shows the trim cable running down the bottom of the hull to the left of the battery (gray reinforced [Blowsion] cable). I also have that through-hull fitting blocked off as it enters the hull. I think it's the middle one. (??)
Good luck, it's a great pump. I have bunny-hopped to the side, pulled the trim, and literally knocked my wife off her ski before so it certainly does what it's supposed to do.