SX/SXi/SXi Pro SXI Pro rebuild

Alright, nearing completion of restoring the $30 SXI Pro hull I picked up at the end of last summer. Just got the motor all back together with all new top and bottom end, about to start finishing up with installing holds, covering rear extinguisher tubes, paint, and turf. I'll start posting pictures at some point. Anyhow, thought of something while ordering a rebuild kit for my carbs. The hull had no motor in it when I got it, so I did some trading on craigslist, and ended up with a complete sts sit down for ~$50. While it's just about the same motor, I was wondering if having the Keihin carbs, meant for the sts exhaust, will be an issue with a stock pro exhaust? Will I have to re jet it? Or will just tweaking the high and low screws be enough? Also, should I be setting the high and low speeds screws to the sts, or the pro specs?

Sorry if that is a dumb question, I have never torn a 2 stroke apart to this extent before, still learning how their fueling and what not works and I'd prefer to not blow it up 5 minutes into the water.
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I was wondering if having the Keihin carbs, meant for the sts exhaust, will be an issue with a stock pro exhaust?
Yes it was for me. Those Carbs have 135 H, 72 L, 45 RT jets (I think). I got nowhere with he Adjusters alone. the 95 SXi has almost those carbs and the jetting was 115 H, and 75 Low, and no return jet. And you may have to cut the springs to lower the Pop-Off. You will know if you do, as it will be a pain to start in or out of the water.
Alright, add problem 515262726151527 to the list. I kind of figured that would be the case, but it only just struck me as I was mounting them. I'll find the specs for both and figure out what needs to be done, thank you.


Mine worked Great with stock. 115 Highs, 75 lows, and just ignore the return, it should be fine. Ran this way for a year or so, before I put on a Factory pipe on it.. If you got rebuild kits for them you have extra springs, so do not sweat having to cut them.. this talks about cutting if you need to near the bottom of the Doc.


30 bucks for Hull, and 50 for the motor, that is pretty awesome. Good luck with the rest of your build. Under Tech FAQ's there is a link to the service manual and Parts lists. the Service manual should cover the Fueling System assembly.
Have a good one.
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