SXR Barrel Rolls on the Mississippi River

May just be a mental thing for me but I always hit boat wakes off the starboard side. Don't ask me why but while learning rolls it just felt easier to do with the way the way was coming at me. I don't know if you have a preference or it's just that in these videos it was only port side. Other than that you are looking really good and very impressive for a stock motor, keep tucked and lean over the nose a little more.


Katie's Boss
100% one place

Thats my boy but you still need to tuck..... We will pratice again this weekend I am planning the Mississippi Sat and Sunday.

You ROCK! :fing02:

sweet man, if you get your weight more forward it would help alot think about leaning as forward as you can to the point where you feel you will almost fall on the hood. A shorter handlepole helps greatly for this it gives you much more leverage when your body is forward.

good luck it looks good tho


Liquid Insanity
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New York Crew
Those are very impressive. Keep rockin the SXR! Get rid of that handpole, get the RRP. I have went from stock length to minus 5 1/2" so far and I may go farther.


STL Crew
Thanks for the tips!

I am afraid I am learning bad habits not having much power. I seem to be trying to get height and when I release off the wave my pole and ski seperate.

Do I need to be tucked prior to leaving the face of the wave?

Does anyone think I was going too slow?

Thanks Peeps :bananalama:
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