Sxr big bore

global warmer

big time gas pumper
on the beach
fair point,i have not a lot of experience with modded kwak's,but the guy@ say it required a s.e balance review to the stock crank,mag pump+11/23,48mm s.e carb,v-force,stock flywheel,wet or dry pipe without any mod's,igni ignition,pump gas safe,he reckon's it's a monster!
So Cal
Trued /welded kawasaki crank with ceramic bearings and c-cliped cases I think it would hold up great. The question is how much power is it going to put out? Whole hell of a lot of money for that set up it better rip.

global warmer

big time gas pumper
on the beach
got any further info?
the guy's name is markus erlach,Email info @,email he sent me gives nozzle@79mm,3xbore sizes of wiseco pistons,cases dont need machining but flow needs opening like a superstock motor,kit was designed for freeride but they have 3 sets available now and 2 week delivery for more,they are going to play with the porting on their race boat and work on better/stronger set-up's so should soon have more info...i contacted sato in japan about 18 months ago,language barrier!but they put me on to a guy in torance california,,ardarth ind,he said they were having problems with the casting so it would be a while yet!they must have sorted it,i thought you guy's would be interested or maybe know more,let's face it times are hard and it's serious money for an unknown,just hoping it's as good as it sound's!


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
That's the thing I hate. I know these parts exist but not being to readily be able to get them sucks. Even if I could afford them...

Fennec had some billet cylinders on their website. Do the cylinders you are talking about have powervalves? I don't think I saw any in the pics on their website. I don't think the Sato cast cylinder has any either. the sato just looks like the old WC 750 mod cylinder. The Maekawa Engineering billet cylinder has the gas valves. I have never run any of this stuff or a gas valve cylinder for that matter but for that amount of money, I would think that I would want the valves...


Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach



Ride for life
North NJ
Here's a pic I took at the 07 WF. It was at the SE booth.
That price included billet cylinder with P/V's, billet head, stroker crank, & sxr cases. Think it was 85mm bore.


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i can`t emagine putting fifteen plus grand under the hood of a jetski just for fun. if there was a way to make money with it yes. thats just me and i only get to ride few months a year on our lake.
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