Could you help me with your opinion regarding the correct jetting and ignition curve for Sxr 800 limited with factory dry pipe, TBM head with 29cc domes , dual Novis 48 maxflow, mag pump, proigni ignition..... (it is marked stock on the ignition, so I don't really know which curve is uploaded, presume stock )?
Current setup is 145 pivots , 132,5 mains, LSA 3/4, HSA 2,5.
Right now it almost feel like a turbo lag, no bottom to mid, but then there is an instant hit, but still the top rpm could be better. I would like to gain some bottom end and a more linear power band.
I have a hard time to explain but when riding on a very close course, I always have to hold some throttle because of the crazy brake effect of this ski. So when coming out of corners the acceleration is poor, but at the end of the straight line if you just accidentally blip the throttle the ski just skyrockets you out of the turn.
I have also tried to change the main jets to 137,5 but it seems that I have just obtain a hesitation at high rpm to wot.
My current curve is attached.