sxr or sj?

Like a few others on this forum, I'm lucky enough to have both skis. I find that I switch back & forth all the time, but the deciding factor seems to be, "what are your riding buddies going to be riding"? I personally find that I have the most fun when you are on similar equipment to whoever you will be riding with on a regular basis. When on SXR's, we have a blast carving it up and playing cat & mouse. When on SJ's, we spend the day practicing freestyle. I have found that when I'm on a SJ and my buddy is on a SXR, we may spend the day on the lake together, but we actually don't push each other to get faster/better as we are practicing completely different skills. I personally think that the SXR is an easier ski to learn on, where-as the SJ requires more finesse to advance in skill. Just my opinion.
ya i'm in fairhaven right by the raft. Middle channel is def. best riding i've done on lake st. clair.

Steve one time i was at WOT and hit a tire back in the weeds there (couple inches below the surface). I don't really like it back there so much anymore...haha.

in relation to the tire comment, you know there is a brand new s-10 from like two winters ago about 30 yards in from the channel marker thet lines up with the dnr launch there by rachels diner? thets fun to find when the water is down, had a buddy shear off his outdrive last year...ooops. its down a ways this year cuz the water is up so high.
ok so i was looking at the sxr and sj on both manufacturers websites, and the sxr by spec is only 4 inches loner an 2inches wider, but has 60lbs on the sj. is this where the big difference comes into play? im from a motox background and 60lbs is a hell of alot of weight difference in two similar machines. and my other kicker (besides the fact i need to stop talking about them and go ride one) is that i have never been a big kawi fan, had nothing but problems with ALL of my friends kawi bikes and the 2 that i owned. i was always a honda guy first and then if i had to i would go the yamaha route. i also went to the dealers yesterday to see if they had any to see or kind of get a feel for but everyone is out...and the ones they have are still in crates until spring, so no luck there.... i hate it i am one of those i want it and want it noww kind of people and its not working out for me lol


Mesquite, Texas
ok so i was looking at the sxr and sj on both manufacturers websites, and the sxr by spec is only 4 inches loner an 2inches wider, but has 60lbs on the sj. is this where the big difference comes into play? im from a motox background and 60lbs is a hell of alot of weight difference in two similar machines. and my other kicker (besides the fact i need to stop talking about them and go ride one) is that i have never been a big kawi fan, had nothing but problems with ALL of my friends kawi bikes and the 2 that i owned. i was always a honda guy first and then if i had to i would go the yamaha route. i also went to the dealers yesterday to see if they had any to see or kind of get a feel for but everyone is out...and the ones they have are still in crates until spring, so no luck there.... i hate it i am one of those i want it and want it noww kind of people and its not working out for me lol

the weight it the main reason people, that want to freestyle, prefer the sj.
ok so in looking, i really want to see and ride these in person like todayish, but despite the drop in weather (68 degrees today) and the fact that it is almost fall, no one has them. i was also stunned at the price difference, over $1000 more for the new sj over the sxr...crazy!! also what is the difference in reliability in the kawi and sj motors, as well as stock form power handling etc... in the hulls and stock powerplants (until i can get a lil modding done) thanks for all the input from everyone!!! greatly appreciated!!


Hi Ho Silver!
Birmingham, AL
The SXR, pre 08 RN and 08 RN are all fun but all have different characteristics. Both the SXR and 08 RN handle very well even in stock form- but better with handling mods obviously. We have an 08 RN and 3 RN SJ ( also had a SN once upon a time). We had an SXR but traded it off because it was not getting much riding time with the superjets around. You REALLY need to get a couple of test rides on each ski to see which fits your style best. I personally prefer my '00 RN over any ski we have. The 08 RN carves like you wouldn't believe.
The SXR, pre 08 RN and 08 RN are all fun but all have different characteristics. Both the SXR and 08 RN handle very well even in stock form- but better with handling mods obviously. We have an 08 RN and 3 RN SJ ( also had a SN once upon a time). We had an SXR but traded it off because it was not getting much riding time with the superjets around. You REALLY need to get a couple of test rides on each ski to see which fits your style best. I personally prefer my '00 RN over any ski we have. The 08 RN carves like you wouldn't believe.

thanks for the input, i just need to find some people around here with those skis...and then go from there. thanks!!!
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