sxr sqish with ada head

is there supposed to be a differnce when running the ada head? cause the sqish would be at .035 i dont know if that is ok with the after market head?


Beach Bum
Florida - U.S.A.
I think most ADA domes run about .045" to .050" squish clearance.

Piston squish serves as a cooling source for the top of the piston, especially around the edges. If the squish thickness is too big, the engine may overheat and seize. If the squish is too small, the trapped mixture may ignite prematurely, creating a second combustion front, which acts as a big hammer blow to the top of the piston, causing detonation.
The tighter you run the squish the more bottom end it will produce. .035 is not tight for a performance two-stroke considering how low the RPMs are in these engines. Also comparsion are difficult based upon the type of solder used, diatmeter, and lead content all have an effect on the measurement.
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