SXR UMI pole carnage...


Finally Flippin
Went out today and hit a big arse 42 blue water which was making the perfect waves :Banane01:. Well about 10 jumps into it I hit a high nose stab and came down pretty hard and well... here the results: Broken pole, slightly bent turn plate, bent trim lever, and need a new handle pole pad:banghead:

Anyone know if UMI will cover this? it looks like it broke right on the welds?


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Cleveland Ohio
I broke one the EXACT same way. My pictures even look the same. I don't think I have them anymore. They sent me another one. It was used, but it is reinforced so those welds wont break. It was also a -2 so I lucked out.
They dialed me in. Tell him you are on all the jet ski websites.


drillin like a villian
it looks like it broke right on the welds?

it looks to me like the weld did not penatrate enough on both surface....if they dont cover it, or if you want to junk it, i'll take it off your hands :fingersx:

personally I like how the UMI pole is made. It is easy to shorten and customize or in this case fix. But the XM definately looks more sexy

Takeastand SJ

R.I.P. 8/9/2008
They will replace it, that is where 90% of them break. They have also upgraded that part so it is stronger. The billet pieces people are hearing about are only for special ed people. If you want a pole that won't break get a RRP.
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